Social Question

chyna's avatar

What do you think about PayPal pulling out of North Carolina as a business center that would have employed 400 people after NC signed the "bathroom bill"?

Asked by chyna (51711points) April 11th, 2016 from iPhone

The bathroom bill states that everyone has to use the public restrooms of the gender they were born with. This would preclude transgender people from using the bathroom of their chosen gender.

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30 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I say… KUDOS, PayPal !!! I hope many other companies follow suit. It’s an evil, malicious, disgusting law.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Good for PayPal! And Bruce Springsteen.

North Carolina and Mississippi will just have to learn that discrimination (while it makes the religious right feel happy and fulfilled) is NOT good for business.

I have some good friends in Charlotte N Carolina and they are embarrassed as hell about this.

ibstubro's avatar

North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility

Starbucks joins more than 100 companies asking N.C. to repeal ‘anti-LGBT’ law

I think it’s great that PayPal was in a position to move the debate from the abstract to the concrete.
$3.6 million investment and 400 jobs at an average of $50,000 per job, lost.
Now, what was the gain?

The timing was perfect for PayPal. I look for other companies to follow suit as opportunity allows.

NerdyKeith's avatar

I support their decision. That bill is nothing more than disgusting bigotry. The transgender community are discriminated too much as it is.

There was bound to be consequences to pointless bills like this, and this is only the start.

zenvelo's avatar

I applaud PayPal for its decision. People of North Carolina voted for those who enacted the legislation; the people of North Carolina get the consequences of how they voted.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Do they even have internet in North Carolina?

janbb's avatar

I think it’s great. Also, Bruce Springsteen canceled his concert in Greensboro in protest. It’s sad that it hurts fans and potential employees but the power of the purse will hopefully be effective.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I live in NC and the governor and the state congress will continue to try to return to the 50’s—1850’s for all they are worth. There was not internet, all the help lived in slave shacks, the women couldn’t vote and all the men had big guns. They have lost more then just Paypal, the movie company Lionsgate Films moved with all their equipment (not the employees) to Canada the next day. The large international furniture expo for large furniture stores will be cancelled, dollar impact unknown.

There over 120 of the top 500 corporations CEO’s put signatures on a letter, against the law. The thinking in NC government is if they can claim the impact was not the intent of the law the are free an clear of any litigation.

The Federal government may stop funding portions of the state university system because of the law.

It will cost us the people of NC millions and millions of dollars in Federal courts.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Weak and spineless on PayPal’s part.

marinelife's avatar

I am thrilled at the corporate and celebrity reaction. Go paypal and the boss!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central – please explain your answer. Otherwise I will assume you are trolling.

chyna's avatar

It might actually turn into a boon for my state, WV as they are now trying to entice PayPal to open their office here.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Weak and spineless? Clearly they don’t agree with the laws so they have made a strong and bold move in opposition to it. I would hardly call that weak or spineless.

Those who signed on the bill to discriminate against trans people in North Carolina are the weak and spineless ones.

syz's avatar

Actually, the bathroom portion of the bill is just a smokescreen. It actually makes it against the law to enact any anti-discrimination legislation. It is a shitty piece of work from shitty people

I live in NC and am affected by any economic impact, and I cheer every damn time our tax base takes a hit because of this hate-filled piece of garbage.

Oh, and I have short hair and sometimes get called “sir” from behind, so I fucking call McCrory (919 814 2000) every time I have to pee. You know, just in case someone tries to have me arrested for being in the wrong bathroom.

Fucking GOP asshole bigots. Thanks to their gerrymandering, they won’t even get elected out of office. Except for McCrory. His ass is out of there.

Zaku's avatar

I think that’s a good move, and I wish more companies, and people, would do the same kind of thing. The USA has 50 states with potentially different laws. I’d like to see more diversity, by people and companies choosing where to live and do business.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

“Mom, I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Tommy, didn’t you go before we left the house?”
“Yeah, but I have to go again.”
“OK, sweetheart. What are you today?”
“I’m a Comanche.”
“A girl Comanche, or a boy Comanche?”
“I’m the Comanche princess who distracted Santa Ana so he’d lose at San Jacinto.”
“Well, I’m sorry, honey. You’re going to have to wait until we get to Virginia.”

SavoirFaire's avatar

Good for PayPal.

@Hypocrisy_Central The company was under no pressure to pull their business. They did it to stand up for something they believe in. You might think their belief is wrong, but calling their action weak or spineless is idiotic. And keep in mind—as @syz pointed out—that the bill also made it illegal to do anything about racism or sexism.

@Espiritus_Corvus You know it doesn’t work like that, right? That was some sort of bad joke?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

You mean Tommy’s faulty history? Or maybe it was the Cultural Appropriation aspect? Or that the dialogue didn’t address true transgender specifically to your liking? Or maybe you think there is absolutely no humor to be found in this at all and it disturbs your dour overly sensitive outlook on life in general? Or maybe you are having a bad day. Or maybe you just want other people to be as miserable as you? Or maybe… just maybe you have a valid statement to make?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus No, I’m talking about the fact that no state allows people to enter a bathroom just because they “feel” like that gender today. Trans people have to go through a lot of hoops to get their status legally recognized, and only then can they legally use the bathrooms appropriate to their gender identity.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The world is just changing too quickly for the people running things in the sleepier parts of our country. Rear guard regressive nonsense gets slapped down faster and harder with each new silly offense. I almost feel sorry for the few remaining losers still pushing this stupid stuff. It must be a bitch watching history shuffle your “ideals” toward the heap of irrelevance. The Civil War is lost, the closets are emptying out, and reality requires facing up to. Get over it now before your children disown you.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Ah, gee, I’m sorry you find this little dialogue exemplifying a ridiculous law offensive. And don’t for a minute think you can educate me on this subject. You are just being as ridiculous as the North Carolinian legislator.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I applaud PayPal, Bruce Springsteen and others for taking a firm stand rather than just paying lip service.

BTW: I think it’s ironic as fuck that due to the bill this dude is now legally required to use the women’s restroom in North Carolina.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus I don’t find it offensive. I was asking if it was a joke (in part because many people think that’s actually how trans people and their allies want things to work). You are the one who got offended and responded defensively.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@SavoirFaire You were being snide and condescending. Both offend the shit out of me. That wasn’t me being defensive. That was me being offensive. How long do want to keep this up? You want exchange addresses?

Brian1946's avatar


I’m sorry you’re stuck in such a bigoted state.

If you discover any nationwide companies that continue to do business in NC, please let me know so that I can boycott them.

It’s good that you posted McCrory’s phone number. I feel like calling it and yelling “Fuck you, HB2!” at whomever answers. However, I’m sure you can think of something wittier or more incisive, so I’d be happy use that instead.

Brian1946's avatar

I see that your state of hate has turned on the bigot spigot?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus I wasn’t being snide or condescending. I was asking a serious question. With no tilde, it can be hard to tell.

Buttonstc's avatar


Ironic doesn’t even begin to cover the “law of unintended consequences” which would also require Masen Davis (until recently, director of the Transgender Law Center) to do likewise. And if in NC, I’m quite sure he would have his birth certificate handy to show to authorities when the delicate ladies of the state find themselves sharing a restroom with him.

I wonder how they would like seeing this smiling face walking into the ladies room?
In their rush to preserve decorum, these ignorant bigots always seem to forget about the existence of trans-men as well.

Good for PayPal and Bruce. I hope others follow suit.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This is hysterically relevant.

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