Social Question

Could someone help me analyze this chat conversation[Details inside]?
Hello everyone, here’s some background information: This is a conversation between me and a girl I like but who already has a boyfriend with whom she’s been with for a year (in two weeks).
Now here’s a brief resume of the chat:
“Her: Hey do will you ever tell me if you have feelings for me? I know it’s not likely to happen
Me: Yes
Her: You would?
Me(like 10minutes after because I was panicking): Yes, if I like a girl, I’ll tell her, why not?
Her: but it took you time to answer
Me: I was playing
Her: Ok, do you think you will have feelings for me?
Me: I have no idea
Her: Sorry you can go play your game
Me: Why?
Her: You can go game….I am bothering no? ”
———end of conversation
Now this chat just got me really confused…Could anyone please try and help me understand what she means by all this? I know there’s a lack of background information so if you guys have questions, feel free to ask them and I will try to answer as fast as possible. As always, I appreciate your help people of Fluther :)