General Question

Can anyone defend the "bathroom bill" ?
I regard Fluther as a fairly open minded and civil website, and I want to remain civil. Please, don’t be afraid to speak your mind no matter if it “steps on toes” because I am only wanting to hear points of view and give the varying sides a chance to respond or exchange thoughts.
To me, it seems that only dangerously narcist or predator types would be interested in using the restroom of the other sex—or those so drowned in political correctness that they cannot really understand the issue at hand. Yet the “bathroom bill” controversy has a strong and vocal following.
I could be wrong but the homosexual men I have known do not necessarily identify with the female gender. They are merely sexually attracted to their own sex. It would almost seem that they ought to prefer being in a male environment.
The same is probably true for lesbians. I have never had a lesbian friend as the few I’ve known have been kind of hostile towards men. But that is just my experience. I would assume that lesbians also do not identify with the other sex and would have no desire to be in a male restroom or locker room.
That leaves transgender individuals. As for transgender males, why would anyone want to have to partially undress and sit on a toilet? Lets face it, urinals are extremely convenient and quick. I’ve known cases where the urinal/restroom issue alone has deterred people from wanting to have sexual reassignment surgery (though I CAN indeed understand, other than that, why some identify with the other sex that they go under the knife—still sounds like it would be a regrettable mistake unless one TRULY can’t stand being their gender).
As for female transgender individuals who identify with males, well, what can I say? Men’s restrooms are filthy by comparison, as some men pee on everything. Why would any woman want to use such a restroom, considering all that she has to do (partially undress and sit) in order to use the facilities? Toilets in the women’s room are light years cleaner, and the restrooms themselves much more comfortable and lounge-like. Any female who enters a male restroom is taking her life into her own hands and risking an assault. Anyhow, it seems that lesbians and female transgenders who identify with males would prefer the comfortable, sanitary and safer facilities allotted to women.
I knew a transgender male in high school and the girls were really creeped out by him on the occasions he entered the women’s room. It would seem that anyone who DID feel it was their right to enter a restroom of the opposite sex would at least respect the needs and feelings of those whose sex is in accord with that which the restroom is designated.
This leaves only predator types and those whose political correctness has blinded them to where they cannot see the need for sexual privacy and protection from perpetrators—threats which are very real.
Other than this (restroom) issue, I am civil and sympathetic to the cause of transgender people and respect Gays, Lesbians, and Transgender individuals.
I am only wanting to understand the issue / other side. PLEASE keep it civil.

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