How many questions in a row can we have with the word "defend" in it?
Asked by
janbb (
April 13th, 2016
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12 Answers
I am offended this is in general, and not social.
@zenvelo I will defend to the death your right to be offended. (It actually should be in Meta but then the joke would be lost.)
Nice going, breaking the streak, Janet. Or should I say; dammit, Janet!? HAHAHAHA!
Everyone is in a height of pique today and very defensive.
@janbb I am above common defense.
Damn, they moved it to Meta and broke the chain.
Bad luck for all!
Yep. Banished to the arid dunes of Meta.
Of course we have a lot of questions with the word depends in them!
Have you looked at the median age around here?
@janbb, are you against its repeated use or defending it? ;-)
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