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Pandora's avatar

What tiny physical thing can annoy you like no other?

Asked by Pandora (32542points) April 15th, 2016

Ok, today I have stabbed myself twice while sewing and at one time it was pretty deep and made me bleed pretty good but I sucked my sucked my wound and kept sewing because I was determined to just be done with it.

I even hurt my back vacuuming today. But my biggest pet peeve was a tiny bug bite at my wrist. I think it must’ve been an ant bite from working in the yard yesterday. Yesterday I was able to make it stop itching but if anything rubs it, it just bugs me to no end. I finally just put some ointment on it and put a band-aid on it but it has put me in a foul mood all day. Its really sensitive but I believe its because it is so near some veins. I equally hate bug bites on the top of my toes. Especially ant bites.

So it has me wondering if anyone else has something that can physically annoy them like no other?

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32 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Having to pee every 15 minutes at night. Itchy all over.

Seek's avatar

My mother in law.

Jeruba's avatar

That would be a mosquito, beyond any doubt.

I’ve stabbed myself on plenty of needles, burnt myself while cooking and baking, bruised my limbs and especially my hips from not looking where I’m going and bumping into things, and broken fingernails lots of times. I treat them all as par of the course. But a whining, dive-bombing mosquito is beyond bearing.

Pandora's avatar

@Seek I gave you a great answer for making me laugh but MIL are not tiny by any means. LOL

Coloma's avatar

Hang nails, bumping my elbow, whacked the not so funny bone yesterday. Dogs licking me. I can’t STAND to be licked by a dog, my cats, no problem but dog tongues are icky. haha

Cooking burns. I have a nice red burn stripe on the top of my forearm brushing against the the top rack in the oven the other day when removing a baking dish from the bottom rack.
I also burned a knuckle on my left hand not long ago. That one has left a nice scar.

Oh…gettng something in my eye, gah!

Pandora's avatar

@Coloma Oh, I forgot the eye thing. For some reason when I use to go to work, an eyelash always managed to fall right into my eye after I was done with my make up and seconds from going out the door. I use to always yell. REALLY! REAlly! Every time. My daughter would laugh because she knew an eyelash just took a dive in my eye.
Even though that was annoying. Ant bites still win. Nasty little suckers.

zenvelo's avatar

I am with @Jeruba, the whine of a mosquito in the ear, and knowing it is almost impossible to keep from getting bit.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Having a not long enough blanket / sheet. at night. Running out of pillows.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Shower water going cold when you are soaped up.

Tiny yet tough hair sprouting on chin. Have to tear it out no matter where or how.

Whooshing sound in ear.

The eyelash mentioned above.
Cracked fingernail down the middle getting caught on every fabric you touch.

Oh, more, much more…...

anniereborn's avatar

Itching of any kind and yes, the cracked fingernail snagging everything.

Jak's avatar

Sneezing pisses me off, and sneezing multiple times infuriates me. Biting the inside of my cheek, or my tongue. Looking right at something and not being able to pick it up. I make grab after grab. I can see it, I’m touching it, still can’t just pick it up.

cazzie's avatar

Something in my teeth with no way of getting it out.

ucme's avatar

Tom Cruise

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Biting into something piping hot and burning your palate which ends up blistering! Nasty!

jca's avatar

Hangnail, papercut. Sesame seed in my teeth.

flutherother's avatar

Midgies, specks on the carpet the hoover won’t pick up and nasal hair.

imrainmaker's avatar

Headache.. once started it won’t go away completely until have good night sleep.

ucme's avatar

Midgies is what us northerners call those tiny annoying flies that get in your eye in the summer

Aster's avatar

Biting the inside of my cheek or lip. This tends to happen more when I’m upset which makes no sense. An eyelash turning inward and scratching my eye; once for over an hour before the sun came up. Those are my “tiny physical” things that annoy me.

cazzie's avatar

Also, the tiny whiskers on my chin when they won’t come out easily with a tweezers, or when I don’t have a tweezers handy. Gah! I hate that.

syz's avatar

When the plastic piece from my underwire bra rubs a hole in the material and the pip digs into my underarm.

flutherother's avatar

@anniereborn Midgies or midges are tiny flying insects that bite and attack in swarms. They can make life miserable if the weather conditions are right. They prefer damp conditions and don’t like sunlight. They are a pest in the Scottish Highlands in summer.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, a hazard of my life. When one of the horses sneezes on me.
Nice! haha

MooCows's avatar

Getting food stuck in my teeth!
I love pop corn but won’t eat it
because I have to pry it out of my teeth!

Coloma's avatar

Oh, bumping your head. I just stood up from collecting eggs in the hen house and whacked my head on one of the roosts. *$&#%!!!

Kardamom's avatar

A fly getting caught in the room.

Having your open purse fly onto the floor of the car and all the contents spill out after you’ve braked to miss some jackass who cut you off. Normally I zip my purse, but on the day that the jackass appeared, for some reason, the purse was left unzipped.

Having an allergy attack and not being able to get the allergy pill out of the bubble pack, even after pushing and trying to tear the bubble open.

Realizing that your printer is out of ink on the day that you finally had enough free time to do your taxes, so you have to go out and get ink before you can make a print out and send it in.

Trying to scrape the last of the peanut butter out of the bottom of the jar so it’s clean enough to put into the recycling bin.

Having the need to pee, and sneeze (and hence wash your hands again) when you are running late for work.

Getting up at any hour of the middle of the night to use the bathroom, only to find that someone else is already up, at that exact random hour of the middle of the night, already in there.

Mariah's avatar

Tiny imperfections with my fingernails or the skin surrounding them. I’m actually pretty sure I have dermatillomania because I am completely incapable of ignoring them and pick at them to the point of bleeding on a daily basis.

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