Are there any acronyms that you or friends and family have made up and that you like to use?
Asked by
jca (
April 16th, 2016
Before Rachel Ray became popular, I had never heard the acronym “EVOO.” Now it’s very commonplace everywhere (extra virgin olive oil). When I was little, Kentucky Fried Chicken was Kentucky Fried Chicken, now it goes by the acronym “KFC” and acronyms are more popular, it seems.
Are there any acronyms that you’ve made up, or your friends and family have made up, and that you all use frequently?
I use one I made, “JPN” which stands for “Just plain nuts. I got that after seeing a Far Side cartoon where you’re looking over the therapist’s shoulder and see the patient lying on his couch. You can view the therapist’s pad, and he’s written in big, block letters “JUST PLAIN NUTS.” Sometimes when telling a story, I’ll refer to a crazy person as “JPN.” I usually have to explain what it stands for.
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19 Answers
“ELS” Expensive Lightweight Shit. (Performance bicycle or automotive components).
“SO” Scoville Overkill. (Food that is too spicy for the surrounding flavors).
BURMA be undressed and ready my angel
“SAWB” Smart Ass White Boy. (Me).
YMDBF – your most devoted boy friend.
ILYVM – I love you very much
My girlfriends mom, who had four daughters, addressed her as EMB – eldest most beautiful.
At work we used LPF (little plastic fucker), LRBPF (little round black plastic fucker), and the like to describe different tools or supplies.
My Mom used to make a cheese sauce (which was wonderful on potatoes and horrible on chipped beef) and in my family we called it “Solter Sauce.” I’m pretty sure my youngest sister made it up. We didn’t know where it came from, that’s just what we called it.
Several years later I spied a bag of rock salt called “solar salt,” and it hit…at least once a year we had to carry these 40 pound bags of salt down to the basement for the water softener. In my teen years, I could carry one on each shoulder. It was like a challenge. Every year I tried to carry 2 bags and I was so thrilled when it finally happened.
When my sister was really little, maybe just learning to read, one thing led to another. After all those years the mystery was solved.
It’s not an acronym, but it’s peculiar to our family.
Also, “Take off ZE BRA!!” Dumb joke. Came about when we girls were hitting puberty. One of the girls came home with this joke, “What did the French man say when he saw the door to the Zebra cage open….
POS = piece of shit.
When Prince had a symbol for his name I called him AFKAP
@ken1 Best answer so far. LMAO
When I worked construction, there were certain cranes that were called a GBMF -Great Big Mother F***er.
I love the VLA which is ”...a radio astronomy observatory located on the Plains of San Agusti….. It comprises 27 25-meter radio telescopes in a Y-shaped array and all the equipment, instrumentation, and computing power to function as an interferometer. ”
VLA stands for Very Large Array. That tickles me.
There’s a journalist I follow on Facebook who uses “TFP”.
These fucking people.
Usually for politicians who vote for laws banning people from using public bathrooms then themselves get caught molesting people in public bathrooms, and such like.
Growing up my mom would cook supper and after everything was done she would get up and say “Start KP.” to my sister and I. KP stood for Kitchen Patrol. (Cleaning and rinsing the supper dishes, wiping down the table, sweep the floor around the table.)
And my mom always said “It’s all the way out in BFE.” (Bum F#*k Egypt) when something was located in the middle of nowhere. I now say it.
My family speaks Polish. Most of us anyway. I do more so than my sister. But my mom had a phrase for trying a bite of something to see if you like it (sorta like Don’t knock it till you try it.) but it didn’t transfer over to English well. So the English version was Polite No Bite.. or PNB. “Take a PNB and see what you think.”
And while not an acronym, my family always said the phrase “I’m on E for Walk” when our gas tank needle settled on the E and had to get to a gas station soon.
“143” I love you.
@Tea_Gryphon I thought the “E” on the fuel gauge stood for “enough.”
WIGR – Whatever is getting rotten. What’s for dinner? WIGR!
Announced to the butler every morning, “Fetch Alan’s Breakfast”
He usually replies with TWAT…“Toasted White And Tea”
POLR. Path of least resistance. Frequently refers to meal planning.
FOTS. Flop on the sofa. Something a person might do after supper, especially if it wasn’t POLR. Actually this has pretty much gone out of use now that our children are older, but I still use it when I’m not feeling well. “I’m just going to FOTS with a blanket and a book. If I start reading aloud [i.e., fall asleep with a book on my chest and start snoring], leave me alone unless I get noisy.”
SBD – When camping at night with the scouts. It means silent but deadly.
“Tie Time!” When my dad was getting ready for work, when he hollered down the stairs, “Tie Time!” that was Mom’s signal to start his eggs, over easy which he had for breakfast every morning.
When kids go to college the parents become what we call a PSU, Parental Support Unit.
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