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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why are most lawn mowers so freaking loud?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) April 19th, 2016

All week long all you hear in our neighbour hood is lawn mowers.
With todays technology can’t they make a muffler for those things that doesn’t sound like a stock car coming through your living room?

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10 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

A lot of noise/sound is from the blades and mechanics that rotate the blades. I’m listening to my neighbor’s lawn tractor; when he disengages the mower, the sound level drops considerably.

canidmajor's avatar

A few years ago I bought a battery operated electric mower. It is infinitely quieter. You can still hear, but it produces less than half the decibels of a coat able gas mower.
I had to learn to tone down my off-key singing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I will agree a bit with that, but a new neighbour has an electric mower and it is very quiet.
When we bought our house the lot was unfinished and Mrs Squeeky didn’t want a lawn took her 4 years of planning but did a great job of xerio scaping it,now it looks great and NO lawn mowing .

canidmajor's avatar

I had considered that, but I find I actually use my lawn. Dogs, kids, etc. and even with my own offspring grown and gone, the neighborhood kids gave designated my front yard cherry tree to be 3rd base.
I love that!
But I know what you mean about the noise, especially on weekends when everyone is mowing at once.

ucme's avatar

Sit on mowers are the way to go, they hum & purr like a hummie purrie thing

LornaLove's avatar

To annoy sleeping neighbors! I have a public area just outside of my front garden and I know more or less when they are going to arrive to cut it. I mean now we are talking massive truck like things with blades on the front. So, I play my 8 hours of rain sounds (white noise) and they have been twice this spring and I heard nothing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. I like the sound of lawn mowers. Lawn mowers sound like spring, like summer, like people working, like people who take pride. I like it.

On the other hand, being awakened by a chainsaw under my window one morning was not so splendid.

JLeslie's avatar

It would be nice if they were quieter. My very pretty golf course view was noisy a couple mornings a week. Very early morning. As they manicured the lawns at the crack of Dawn. Also, consider the people who mow lawns for a living. I have a friend who lost a significant amount of his hearing.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Because lawn mowers are not roadgoing vehicles they are not subject to noise abatement laws that the typical car is subjected to.

Sadly most motorists have no idea how much devices that make a car “noise legal” throttle their performance.

My car could be even more fun to experience, but alas, you hate noise, you are welcome.

I would hate to think that my revving my motor during a rev matching downshift might cause you to look up from your newspaper.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

This is the sound of Summer.

The electric mowers are not very loud and the battery mowers are even less noisy. The unpowered push mowers are great for small yards.

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