Social Question

Strauss's avatar

Some progress is better than no progress. What's your milestone? (part 12)

Asked by Strauss (23953points) April 21st, 2016

This is the continuation of a string begun on February 8, 2009. Since then, it has been continued by several jellies, and and most recently by @Espiritus_Corvus. It’s been inactive for a couple years; we have a lot of new jellies since then, (and a lot of returning ones as well) and I think it deserves a reincarnation.

Let’s come here, those who so choose, once a week (or so) to register our progress on the project of our choice. Words written, paintings finished, photos processed, goals met? Let’s share accomplishments and cheer one another on. (You can bookmark this page.) Post the date and time, please.

Time and date stamp is important if we are to follow our progress together. The easiest time-date stamp is 20160421, for today, 20 April, 2016. Start from the year, the largest measurement of time we use in dates to the smallest measure of time. For the OCD types this would read 20160421.09:22.57 MST (or your own time zone). Simply be sure to use two digits for month, day and time or it can be confusing.

See THIS for an example of how the old string went.

This is in Social in order to encourage meaningful discussion, because after all, we are a community. Welcome all. I hope we have a good run.

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18 Answers

cazzie's avatar

I’m remaking an old bathroom medicine cabinet into a jewelry storage. I just painted the first coat on the inside back panel. What is the best place to post and link pictures?

Coloma's avatar

I am finally saving some money after 3 years of hell after being wiped out in the recession.
Sadly, I had to file a bankruptcy after decades of excellent credit and financial solvency. It is now in the final stage of discharge and soon I hope to be setting up house in a new little place after having house mates for the last 3 years. It hasn’t been easy and I am still not even, remotely, close to my former level of happiness, but, it’s progress and for that I am grateful. It’s not easy having to start over in your 50’s’

GSLeader's avatar

Being rewarded the “New Found Treasure” pin after my first year as a Girl Scouts leader.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I did my first online purchase. That was the first time I’ve ever bought something online. I also managed to save enough money for it. I didn’t know I could save that much money. Now I’m in the final stage of saving more money for another purchase. Guess online shopping is becoming a thing now :)

I also finished two comic books. One was just a fanfic and another was an original work spawning from the first work. The comics consist of several shory stories, and I had to constantly brainstorm new ideas as my readers constantly demanded more. I learned from my work how to brainstorm several ideas in a very short time, and discovered that I’m capable if that in some ways. I never knew I could do something like that from just a gag on the notebook written when I was bored. Now I’m thinking of making a completely original work and see where it will go.

@cazzie how about this?

Mariah's avatar

I’m in LA right now, feels awesome to take a break from work, this is the first break longer than a day or two that I’ve taken since I started. We’re having an awesome time. We’re here watching the filming of Battlebots because one of our friends built a robot for the competition. He won his first match yesterday. The show airs in June, look for Matt and me screaming in the audience :P

I paid off my student loans a couple weeks ago.

Oh, this news is about a month old and I’ve mentioned it in some other threads, but since my health journey is something I talk about here a lot I’ll say it again. My diagnosis got changed from UC to Crohn’s disease which is really bad news, it means that removing my colon didn’t cure me. My health is still under control right now but now I know that it going out of control again is still a possibility.

Guitarded's avatar

I am teaching myself C++ Don’t really have an end-goal in mind, just like to keep my brain active.

Aster's avatar

Washing one of our dogs is one. Dragging one or both to the groomers is another task. The first “milestone” gives me a twelve hour backache.

Mariah's avatar

Oh, @Coloma, I saw some wild Chinese geese today in LA. It reminded me of you and Marwyn.

Coloma's avatar

@Mariah Awww….that guy looks like my old guy that passed away in Feb. He looks old. Was their grass and fresh water around for them? Poor things, they often get dumped in crappy environments.

Mariah's avatar

Yep, they were in a nice park with a pond :)

Coloma's avatar

Edit; Was there…grass and fresh water around for them?
@Mariah Yay!

Seek's avatar

I’m doing my best to avoid learning the taste of prison food.

My mother in law’s sister has agreed to take her back and find a home that will take her after our attempts down here (both to keep her here and find assisted living) have failed. We’re so beyond done. We have to wait until the 27th to make travel plans.

Until then, I’m pouring my brain into craft projects in effort to save my sanity.

I’ve refinished a narrow metal shelving unit I found on the side of the road – brushed off the rust, sanded it fine, coated with primer and then metallic Rustoleum in “oil-brushed bronze” or whatever. After the wicked witch is gone and Ian has his bedroom back, it’ll go in his room for toy storage.

I’ve also been crocheting a lot. I’ve made a net shawl to match a casual dress I like, and the beginnings of a clutch purse. Then I found some blacklight reactive yarn and made rave clothes since I’m going to a music festival next month. Still need to make another arm warmer, and maybe some yarn dreads. That could be fun.

Coloma's avatar

@Seek Love the crocheted, colorful halter top!

Strauss's avatar

042816—Today is the last day of rehearsal for the five musical acts during “intensives” week at the school. We have a country group, a pop group, a group playing some Mexican songs on acoustic guitars, a vocal harmony duo, and a student who is doing a self-contained studio production. The showcase is tomorrow, and it’s exciting to see them putting it all together.

Mariah's avatar

Got laid off yesterday. Knew it was a possibility, thought I would react to it by getting hammered and lying in bed. Am proud of myself because that is not what happened. Yes I laid in bed, but only for an hour. Then I updated my resume, updated my linked in, registered for a career fair, arranged a coffee meeting with a previous coworker who just went through the job hunting process, requested and received a fabulous recommendation letter from my former boss, and messaged another previous boss to ask her to be a reference again.

Then I went on a walk and took pictures of birds and observed the fact that the world was still turning.

Today I went to the career fair, had a good conversation with a representative from an interesting company, signed up for COBRA, wrote a kick ass cover letter, and applied for a position for which I am extremely qualified within that company. I also took a 3 hour nap.

I’m gonna kick unemployment’s stupid ass.

Strauss's avatar

@Mariah You go, girl! Your new career opportunity is out there waiting for you to find it!

Coloma's avatar

I think @Mariah should become a wildlife photographer. @Mariah Your bird photos are Nat. Geo. worthy. Maybe submit a couple just because. Audubon has a mag I think too. :-D

marinelife's avatar

Checking things off my list of Stuff To Do before Memorial Day trip!

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