Why is it so hard looking younger than your age?
Asked by
idream3r (
April 21st, 2016
I love looking younger for my age. However it is very difficult when it comes to certain things. When I tell people I am 26 they just have the most shocked look. Everyone thinks I am between 16–19. I turn 27 in June. I was always this skinny small kid with a young face. Now I am a bigger more athletic guy with a baby face. Never was a ladies man in high school or college because I looked so young.
1— Underage kids will hit on you: It is so awkward. Can’t tell you how many times a High school girl tried to hit on me. I just ignore them and go about my business. I feel bad for ignoring them thou. Don’t want them to feel they are not pretty which all of them are. Once in a while they will take out a mirror or phone to check themselves out. To see if they are looking nice. They are all beautiful girls, just too young for me. I often ask where were girls like this when I was in high school?
2— Where ever I go people keep asking me what Highschool I go to. I’m also constantly getting stopped by cops because they think I am cutting class.
3— I look like the baby of the group when among friends my age.
4— Finding someone my age is so hard. Especially when I look like their little brother. Many women my age look so mature compared to me. I tried dressing more mature like, however it does not work.
5— You will be surprised how differently older people treat you when they think you are much younger.
Anyone else look younger than their age? How do you deal with these issues?
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11 Answers
I’m 38 and still bet carded for smokes when I shave.
Embrace this. I’m old. When you stop getting carded you will want to punch things.
I had “this problem” but it balanced out later in life.
I looked younger than other seniors .
Probably because I lived a healthy lifestyle..no drinking ( rarely),no smoking or drugs.
It pays in the long run as lack of sufficient sleep, drugs,and alcohol play a big part in aging someone faster.
If your luck holds, when you’re in your 50s, folks will take you for 35.
I know what you mean. I’m 62, and most days I don’t look a day over 55. (At the end of a hard week that could be 58, but still…)
‘Twas ever thus. When I was 26 I started to go gray – though I still have all of my hair – so at least I could finally walk into a bar unchallenged.
If I go without makeup, people think my 7 year old son is my younger brother. I’m sure the fact that I dress like a 12 year old boy most of the time doesn’t help, but I do always have to make sure I have my ID at concerts.
And yeah, getting flirted with by teenagers is kind of adorable, and then you have to break their little hearts. Poor things. They weren’t doing it when we were in high school because back then with the right T-shirt we could still get the child rate at Disney World.
I’m not terribly concerned with finding people that are exactly my own age. Most of my friends are more like my parents’ age anyway. There are a few in their 30s as well.
Dressing “mature like” when you have young-face just makes you look like you’re wearing your big brother’s suit to a wedding. Better to dress stylishly and modern.
And yes, I’m resigned to the fact that I will look too young to be taken seriously until I’m too old to be taken seriously.
I’m trying to figure out why you are complaining about high school girls hitting on you.
Because getting attention from high school girls can often end in very expensive and inconvenient lawsuits.
Looking young can be a negative. I never had this problem, people usually thought I was older when I was growing up; in my 30’s I kind of caught up.
However, my sister looked young for her age when she was in her 20’s and 30’s and I think sometimes she wasn’t taken as seriously by people. This can be a negative when trying to find a job, or even while at work.
My husband looks very young for his age since his 30’s, and now that he is in his late 40’s I think it’s a huge advantage. He is 49 and easily passes for 35.
This can be a negative when trying to find a job, or even while at work.
We all have our problems to deal with. Young men often look younger than their age in my opinion.
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