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Mimishu1995's avatar

Another jelly has reached the 10k mansion! Care to celebrate?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) April 22nd, 2016

It’s Darth_Algar! Let’s congratulate him for reaching 10k!

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42 Answers

jca's avatar

On a Saturday morning during the wee hours? Hot damn, we have all weekend to party! Congrats, Darth Algar! Welcome to the Mansion! It’s a lot of work to get here but it’s so worth it. Pancakes, rooms to party in, drinks, food, Jellies all over. It’s going to be a great weekend!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey way to go well done sir.

Coloma's avatar

Come on out of the darkness Darth, time to party. Congrats, you’re always a force to be reckoned with!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Is it Darth Vader or Garth Algar? No it’s Darth Algar! WELL DONE to a say-it-like-it-is jelly! l

Strauss's avatar


2davidc8's avatar

Hey, congratulations, Darth!

syz's avatar


longgone's avatar

Congrats! :]

chyna's avatar

Perfect! A 10k party on a rainy Saturday.
Congratulations! You are a valued member and one I look forward to reading.

marinelife's avatar


Soubresaut's avatar

Yay! Congratulations @Darth_Algar! :)

flutherother's avatar

10Kongratulations. Well deserved! It gets harder and harder to hit 10K.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Congratulations @Darth_Algar!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes, congratulations to one of our champions.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Congratulations Darth!

Coloma's avatar

and Darth remains, not just fashionably late, but completely absent from such whimsy as a 10k party. Oh Darth, you charming cad you. lol

tedibear's avatar

Congratulations! Enjoy the mansion!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Congratulations @Darth_Algar. You bring a different perspective to the Fluther pool. We need those alternative perspectives. Thank you for your contributions.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Holy mackerel!!! I missed this party!
Congrats on the well deserved 10k! Your comments are always so well though out and well put.

Hey! Is that a CC in your pocket or are you just happy to see us? ;-)

Stinley's avatar

Fashionably late to the party again but where is the host. i was looking forward to being shown around the newest pad in the Mansion

Good work my friend!

rojo's avatar

Way to go Darth….

Jaxk's avatar

I’d like to offer a heartfelt welcome but since jellyfish have no heart, I’ll just offer a welcome.

kritiper's avatar

Congrats (yawn).

tinyfaery's avatar

Congrats to you!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Darth! You just now getting here? I figured you were at 20K or something.
Congrats. :D

filmfann's avatar

Congo rats and wtfg!

Pachy's avatar

Party? Party? Did someone say Party? I’ll bring peanuts.

Thanks for giving us a reason to have one, @Darth_Algar, and cograts.

Coloma's avatar

Well, Party on Darth.
Non-interference appears to be the main objective as our ghost host remains ever elusive.
I was hoping to get a glimpse of you with your hair down and a couple cocktails under your mask. lol

Darth_Algar's avatar

Oh. I had no idea actually. Thanks everyone. It was hard, but lazy, work.

thorninmud's avatar

And now, as is the custom, the honoree will buy the mods a drink.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No valid ID at the moment.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We don’t card round these parts.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Actually I can’t remember the last time I was carded. Guess I don’t look 27 or under anymore. Damn.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was a gramma last time I was carded! I was 36.

Coloma's avatar

@Darth_Algar Well, clearly, in your picture you are at least triple the legal age. lol

Darth_Algar's avatar

Heh. Actually my profile picture is Latvian chess player Mikhail Tal, who, despite looking about 100, was only 55 years old when he died in 1992.

Eh, bourbon and scotch aren’t really my thing. I’ll go with beer though. The darker the better.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Haven’t tried it, but I would. One of my favorites (a seasonal porter by Wisconsin brewery Leinenkugal) is made with just a faint hint of cocoa.

Coloma's avatar

I like Hop Stupid, Arrogant bastard and had a couple “Buxum Blonde” last night.

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