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basstrom188's avatar

How will Donald Trump make Mexico pay for his "wall"?

Asked by basstrom188 (3992points) April 23rd, 2016

Trump says if elected president he will build a wall between the US and Mexico and make the Mexicans pay. Ok he may be able to erect a wall but how will he make the Mexicans pay?

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19 Answers

Jaxk's avatar

Import taxes.

Seek's avatar

He won’t. It’s just bullshit talk to get votes. He doesn’t even understand the cost of building the wall.

And honestly, if he’s going to put that much damned expense and effort into building something, I hear our interstate roads and bridges need a bit of a touch-up.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’ll never happen. @Seek said what I was going to. This is political populist bullshit.

NerdyKeith's avatar

He probably will claim he will pay for it out of his own pocket. But it’s all for show.

As Judge Judy would say “ITS BALONY,”

SecondHandStoke's avatar

The wall won’t happen. It’s a stupid idea. It’s an expensive eyesore that hampers wildlife migration.

There are more than enough laws already on the books that if enforced strictly would take care of the problem.

GA @Seek

ibstubro's avatar

“Donald Trump says he would force Mexico to pay for a border wall as president by threatening to cut off the flow of billions of dollars in payments that immigrants send home to the country.”

As much as I dislike Trump, he has at least proposed a superficially plausible plan for his pipe dream. People have got to stop dismissing the man.
Dismissing Donald Trump as a viable presidential candidate it what got us into this mess.

“It’s just bullshit talk to get votes” is not a “GA” any more.

Seek's avatar

I think the companies who make oodles of money off those wire transfers would have something to say about that plan, @ibstubro. Could you imagine a president issuing an executive order telling specific companies they’re not allowed to service specifically Latin American markets anymore?

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Being critical of “the wall” does not constitute a total diss of Mr. Trump.

ibstubro's avatar

While Trump cannot write the laws he wants passed, he can certainly write executive orders which may or may not hold up to Congress, or work with Congress closely to have them write the laws he’d like to see happen. Since he has all the experience he does and knows construction, he’s got a way better chance at succeeding in building a wall than someone who is coming in with no building experience whatsoever. Especially given a Republican Congress, and that fact that W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 into law.

Seek's avatar

If he knew construction, his plans for Trump Tower in Tampa wouldn’t be the failed, cancelled, bleeding eyesore it still is.

ibstubro's avatar

Yeah, keep dismissing Trump with shallow, 1 dimensional answers @Seek.

With Hillary as his opponent, your odds of getting to dismiss President Trump are good.
The conservatives dismissed the idea that a mixed-race man with little governing experience and a name like Barak Obama could attain the highest office. Twice. See how nicely that worked?

Seek's avatar

There’s nothing shallow or one-dimensional about the massive failure of Trump Tower Tampa, except the land it was supposed to be built on.

Dozens of people pre-paid to live in his condo complex, and years later they have no money and no condo to show for it.

A quote from a recent article on the subject: “The main reason we went into this was Trump,’’ says Jay McLaughlin, a physical therapist from Connecticut. “We had no idea he was just putting his name on it and not backing it financially.’’

Imagine that.

Trump doesn’t build things. He licenses people to use his name on things. He couldn’t identify a sledgehammer if it smacked him in the face.

ibstubro's avatar

And clear up into the second term, Donald Trump argued that Barak Obama was not eligible to be president because he didn’t have a valid birth certificate proving his American citizenship. The “birther” issue didn’t stop Obama from being president, and was a waste of breath for years.

Trump took over his father’s [racist] successful construction business and made it so successful that it later became a brand. It’s like saying Ralph Lauren doesn’t know clothes because he no longer sews.

Back to the question:
“How will Donald Trump make Mexico pay for his “wall”?”
Restricting remittances to Mexico.
Taxes and tariffs on Mexican goods.
Raising fees for visas.

These aren’t new ideas. Jeff Sessions, Senator from Alabama formed most of them, and is a key Trump advisor.

Seek's avatar

He made his name a brand, not the construction business. There is an important difference.

disquisitive's avatar

By making it worth American companies’ whiles to bring their manufacturing jobs back to the USA.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

By charging every Mexican an admission fee to cross over unmolested. There will be a basket to throw pesos in at every turnstile.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yesterday Jan 26 2017 Trump announced a possible 20% tariff on Mexican goods. . “American Taxpayers are not going to fund it.”
Well…. $295B worth of goods come from Mexico to the US: Cars, trucks, parts, crude oil, ...
The American consumer will pay for the wall in the form of higher prices.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^And people will be eating a lot fewer vegetables and fruits.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Front page article in Democrat and Chronicle today, 01/28/2017:
“Trump Tax may be felt locally – Constellation , Wegmans import Mexican products”

And so it begins. The consumer will pay more. (By the way, i think that may be good if it employs people and takes them off unemployed roles.)

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