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JLeslie's avatar

Is someone going to fix the edit time?

Asked by JLeslie (65900points) April 26th, 2016 from iPhone

I’m so sick of edit for an answer only lasting one minute. The last month or so this seems to be the case the majority of the time.

Is anyone working on it?

I just made a stupid mistake. Not a typo, a content mistake. It’s 3am, so I’m not all with it.

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34 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

If it was up to me, I’d fix it so that the edit time was extended to at least 30 minutes.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree. Sometimes I notice a mistake once another answer pops up and brings me back to the Q.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I remember a conversation about edit times and think it was pointed out that it was server problem. One of the servers had an issue with its “clock” functions.

thorninmud's avatar

Untl that happens, just a reminder that if you get the “too late” message after only a couple of minutes you can usually just keep trying and the server will eventually allow you to edit. Persistance pays off.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

If I were to decide, I’d let Jellies edit their posts at any time. I often find silly typos in my own writing or wish I could otherwise modify something.

Pachy's avatar

What @thorninmud said is right. Try, try again worked for me last week.

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve not had a problem with the edit time.
Perhaps it’s a mobile thing, as I’m on desktop?

Sometimes the “back” button can do wonders on Fluther. The designers did an excellent job of content retention on the pages. Probably the best I personally have seen.

There’s nothing much worse (okay, yeah there is) than typing a comment and when you go to send a pop-up or something happens and resets the page to blank. Customer service and comment links are especially bad.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Just keep reloading and clicking on “Edit this response”. I get 3 extra minutes of edit time. Some computers you can keep clicking f5 or your reload button.

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Mariah's avatar

I don’t know why it hasn’t been “obeying” the programmed 10-minute window and I suspect this is the sort of bug that would be over my head to track down, being a newbie to the Fluther code base. However, I did just wade in and find the spot where the limit is set, and I changed it to 30 minutes. Let me know if you get better results. I suspect that whatever bug is causing this doesn’t really care what the limit is set to, but we’ll see if it helps. Hopefully it will at least a little bit.

Brian1946's avatar

” However, I did just wade in and find the spot where the limit is set, and I changed it to 30 minutes.”

Woohoo, you rule!

You’re a great wader; too bad I can’t give you a tip. ;-)

I’m going to test the edit time starting now.

Edit: 29 minutes since this was originally posted according to the Fluther timer, 27 according to the $6 mechanical timer I bought at Target.

Brian1946's avatar

Even if the edit time is now 28 minutes and not 30, it’s a vast improvement over before, so I say it helps a major amount.

As far as I’m concerned, the edit time is now at least 280% fixed, so there’s no need to tweak the Fluther clock to strive for 30.

JLeslie's avatar

Thank you! We will let you know if it’s working.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

This is a test… 14:01… 14:32

Thank you, Mariah!

ibstubro's avatar

I know that before I came to Fluther it appeared to be a huge issue if anyone modified a post significantly after there was discussion following the post.

If you changed something in your post and didn’t specify, “Edit:”, there was hell to pay.

I’m guessing that was the motivation behind the limited edit time.
That’s intended as background, not a pro or con on the current editing time.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@ibstubro Now that we have time to do that, I think it would be only ethical to re-institute that rule.

ibstubro's avatar

The “Edit:” rule, @Espiritus_Corvus?

I don’t see it being abused, as it must have once been. A few times I’ve seen where it caused confusion with the first few posts.

Stinley's avatar

I’ve been thinking it must be a server issue. One of the servers has the wrong time so the ‘try again’ hack works because eventually your request gets routed to the server with the right time and your edit window is restored.
@Mariah is there any way to check the server clocks?

Mariah's avatar

Oh! That’s a really good theory! I’ll look at it.

Mariah's avatar

One of the servers’ clocks was 7 minutes ahead of reality, so on that one you would have had only 3 minutes to edit. The other was 2 minutes behind. I set them both, and also reset the edit window back to 10 minutes. Let me know if you continue to have problems and I’ll put it back to 30.

Brian1946's avatar

Why not leave it at 30 or ask us if we’d like it left there?

Mariah's avatar

I thought people’s main complaints were just that they weren’t actually getting the full 10 minutes. And some folks had expressed concern about people editing their answers after they’ve gotten responses. I can certainly put it back to 30 if that’s what people want though.

Stinley's avatar

I think leave it at 10 minutes. That’s what people are used to. Maybe ask a separate question about extending the time?

Brian1946's avatar

I agree with asking a separate and tightly guided question, unless you think you can get away with posting it in General. ;-)

ibstubro's avatar

10 minutes was the founder’s decision, and has worked all these years….

JLeslie's avatar

I like it at 30 if we can keep that. Even 20 as a compromise. Enough time to come back to a Q and notice a mistake you missed.

thorninmud's avatar

The rationale for the 10 minute edit window was this: You don’t want people to ask a question, then, upon seeing that the answers coming in aren’t taking the direction that the asker intended, go back and tweak the question to get the kind of answers they want. The problem with that, of course, is that the first few answers then look like the respondents didn’t read the question carefully, when it was actually the question that shifted. Even posting a revision marked “Edited” still leaves those first responses dangling awkwardly. In those situations, it’s better for the asker to own the mistake and post an in-thread comment redirecting the question. That way, the coherency of the thread is preserved.

We mods regularly get requests from users who don’t like the direction their thread has taken asking us to send the Q back to them for editing, and we regularly decline to do this if we suspect that this will trash the work of people who answered in good faith. If we open a big editing window, then we’re basically removing that safeguard of mod review.

Yeah, there’s the problem of typos, broken links, etc., but frankly, that’s all quite avoidable with a bit of proofreading, and you can always flag your own question if you miss the editing window.

Brian1946's avatar

I can see that if questions and answers share the same edit window.

Is the time limit to edit questions also 10 minutes? I thought it was 5, but perhaps my perception was influenced by the mismatch between the server clocks.

Mariah's avatar

Questions and answers are both 10 minutes.

JLeslie's avatar

Just that the 10 was restored makes me happy.

Once in a while auggie would go in and fix a big typo or huge regret. I miss that. Don’t change the meaning, just the stupid autocorrect that had it’s way with your words.

Stinley's avatar

@JLeslie you can still flag your question and ask to fix a typo.

JLeslie's avatar

@Stinley You can for a Q, but not an answer.

Stinley's avatar

@JLeslie true but mods can’t edit answers either. Maybe Auggie had special powers…

JLeslie's avatar

She did have special powers.

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