NSFW: Men - How much do penises flap in public urinals?
Asked by
janbb (
April 27th, 2016
Inspired by comments on another question re: sharing of toilets. I’ve always imagined men to be fairly discrete when opening their flies in public to pee. But is it really a hang-out?
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66 Answers
Yes. At baseball games we look up and down the trough comparing sizes.
With a button fly I undo all of them & get Harry & the lads right out…
Well, there’s discrete and there’s discreet.
I don’t open anyone and everyone else’s fly; that would surely be indiscrete (if that was really a word, anyway). Otherwise… no flap. How could you have lived for so long as a married woman and not see the basics of how this is done?
With all the emotional maturity of an 8 year old, I am giggling at the visual this question inspires.
I don’t recall that I’ve ever seen another man’s penis in a public restroom. But, honestly, I’m not _looking. On the rare occasion I might have caught a glimpse of flesh at that approximate level, but guessed it to be an accident.
On the other hand, there were certain boys that were proud of flaunting their equipment when I was school age. Sometimes in the restroom, often in locker rooms. I also remember a lot of (what seemed to me) gratuitous penis parading at the YMCA and public pool when I was young.
Seems to me like there’s a lot more parading if willy is free than there is flashing after urination.
Of course, I’m likely naive. When that congressman got in trouble for playing footsie in the restroom stall, I thought it was a joke at first. If someone bumped your foot, how would you know that was an invitation to sex?? I’d just move my foot. lol
Mine has it’s own zip code.
^ Area code here.
Sorry dude.
I generally avoid using urinals like e plague as it is a total,lack of privacy.
But most men have the common decency to look at the wall while doing the business. My own penis tends to be quite soft when I’m urinating in a public toilet (anytime I had to use urinals). Because I find the entire experience quite uncomfortable. Even as a gay man I’m uneasy with peeing beside other men. There are only certain men who get to see my parts and acts usually after dating them for a while.
I think I am one who made a comment on the other thread. I made it in reference to not wanting my 8 year old daughter going in a restroom if there’s a man at the urinal. I know men shake it when they’re done. I’d not like my daughter to see that, thank you, whether it’s shaking or not.
@jca Just so you know, I don’t have a “political” agenda here for once. Just thought it would be a fun question to ask.
@CWOTUS I have to say that I never saw my Ex peeing in a public urinal. Sad – but true.
And I totally agree with @jca. I think if there is an audience, there will be exhibitionists. How do you stop sexual predators from using public bathrooms? Will the Supreme Court have to define inadvertent more narrowly than “I know it when I see it.” And at what age would it be okay to send a girl in a mixed-use restroom with urinals, alone? I wouldn’t send one under 16.
To be quite honest about it, a man could probably flash a boy without the boy giving it a lot of thought. He’s got one, and certainly been aided in the restroom by one+.
I think a trans woman would go into a private stall and probably sit down??? I’m not sure but that’s my guess. And unless he’s had surgery a trans man would probably do the same thing
Bondesque: Penises should be shaken, not flapped!
They’re not batwings.
Two upvotes on my lame penis size joke so far?
WTF Fluther?
@Judi Not in reference to trans people at all; just wondering in general after the other question.
I must have missed the other question but I have the silly Target debate on my mind
Codicil to @ibstubro‘s clarification:
More than two shakes is considered “playing with it”.
Men aren’t waving their equipment around in public restrooms. And urinal etiquette, barring drunks and frat boys, is about standing close so there is nothing to look at. However, the fact that we can point anywhere means that as a result of drips and faulty timing, a men’s room if heavily utilized, will soon have pee all over everything.
We stare grimly ahead at the tiled wall in front of us. It would be a massive breach of urinal protocol to take notice of anything else.
I usually avoid urinals and use stalls with closed doors when practical, which is almost always.
But there are men who feel comfortable using urinals, and if one were a penis fetishist in a male body (or disguise), one could surely go to busy public men’s rooms and steal some peeks. But it might be dangerous if you got caught by a mad homophobe with a violent streak.
There’s one thing about this Q that I think many are forgetting.
While adult males exert great effort to NOT look or acknowledge in any way the obvious, young children are not so inhibited (either from looking and/or commenting.)
If they have a question or observatuon, they usually don’t hesitate much to express it. How many times have parents been totally mortified when a child asks innocently things like “why does that man have only one leg?” or “why is that woman’s skin so dark?”
Obviously this is for anything that is not within a young child’s regular sphere of experience and the first time they encounter it.
Do you really think that an inquisitive child used to speaking her mind will hesitate to comment or ask about the various types of penis encountered? (Anything from size, color, to uncircumcised or not to whatever else you can think of is fair game in a child’s eyes.)
And of course they look and notice anything and everything whether penis-related or not. No matter how discreet a man may try to be, a kid will be looking, noticing and questioning. Plus, they’re generally at just the right height for a complete eyeful.
Is that what we really want to see happening if public urinal troughs become available to any and all, regardless of gender?
A man doesn’t really have to do any waving of it at all for a young child to look, notice, and blurt out anything at all.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I was sending my son into public bathrooms by himself from the time he was about 5. He never made any comments to me when he came out.
Flap?? You mean like a high-pressure fire hose that’s not under control??
I hold on to mine so it shoots where intended so it’s not too likely to be seen, much less squirt down my leg. And I look straight forward at the wall and assume anyone else is doing the same.
How many shakes are required when finishing up?? As many as it takes! Want to know more about men’s penis shaking habits? Watch how many times they shake the gasoline nozzle when they’re done filling up the car!
I honestly don’t feel a particular need to look, I just keep to myself.
Over all I’m getting the impression that most of you guys would really prefer some privacy. Why can’t they put them in the stall with the toilet, like they have in porta potties?
It’s always best to blame the Romans!
Would you guys have a problem with a little girl coming into the restroom when you’re at the urinal?
My comments regarding young children were primarily referencing little girls.
Your son had the same equipment, so not surprising no questions. Totally different for little girls without brothers to share a bath with.
Well, you just said “small children.” But still, would you have a problem with a little girl coming into the restroom? Would you feel uncomfortable?
I wash my hands then walk up to the urinal, unzip, and free my liquid waste elimination device so it can function as intended. . at and unzip . I’m in reasonable shape so I don’t have to worry about a beer gut touching any surface. After I finish, I put my equipment away, zip up, flush and was my hands.
No animals or children are harmed during the procedure.
@Dutchess_III I would feel uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t be flashing her either. Using a normal wall urinal requires one to stand close. If she got too close to the action, I would venture a warning to come no closer, but back away. “The better part of valor is discretion.” -I Henry IV., v.4,121
Would I have problem with a little girl coming into a bathroom with a urinal trough? Yes, quite frankly I would.
There’s absolutely no need for it. The Transgender community isn’t lobbying for unisex mukti-use bathrooms AFAIK. They just want to be able to pee in peace and choose whichever bathroom in which they feel most comfortable.
There’s absolutely no need to make every multiuser bathroom open to everybody regardless of gender. That’s clearly overkill.
Things were working just fine until some right wingers in NC decided to throw a monkey wrench into it.
Just go back to traditional men and womens rooms and provide as many additional single use rooms as finances and logistics allow.
Why do you think we decided to segregate them in first place, guys?
@Buttonstc As I said this question was just for fun and elucidation. I don’t think many people are talking about urinals being omni-present in the larger bathroom debate. I think people are talking about people being allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.
But I do suspect French children take the sight of men at a urinal in their stride.
Mine doesn’t “flap” so much as “thud”...
when it hits the floor.
Hell, people in India take the sight of folks squatting by the side of the road to shit in stride, too. I’m thankful to find working, dry, generally sanitary facilities at work, while shopping and in my travels. I don’t worry much about who else may be in the room with me, either. But I understand and sympathize with others who are shy, frightened (especially for their children) and nervous for other reasons, too.
..Perhaps only a few here read the question as I did.
When sitting down on the pot and inadvertently flopping into the toilet water. Hate when that happens. Bad design: not enough ..head room. You have to hold it up a bit so as not to go scuba diving.
@Polaris An interesting take on the question and thanks for that image!
Welcome to Fluther – the good, the bad and the ugly!
@Polaris Great answer! Welcome to Fluther.
You’re right. That’s the overall larger question and NC passing that law is just ignorant beyond measure.
Bu Dutchess did previously devote an entire Q about why not just allow everyone to use whichever bathroom and scrap the men/women designations altogether.
I don’t think that’s what transgender people want or anyone else (except possibly Dutchess) wants either.
That’s just going way too far in the opposite direction as far as I’m concerned and solves nothing.
It was just a idle question. You’re reading way too much into the motive for asking it. It got interesting answers too so I liked it.
But I still wonder why we segregate the bathrooms in the first place?
I personally have no problem with a man being in the bathroom with me, as long as I’m in a stall. I’m not paranoid and I’m not fearful of strangers of any gender. However, I do have a problem with a man standing at a urinal taking a piss while my 8 year old daughter is in the same bathroom, whether she’s alone or with me.
I would have a problem with it too, but why would we feel that way @jca?
I think we segregate them because there are some things better done in private and going to the bathroom is one of them.
I had some friends back in Philly who were nudists and very passionate about it as a lifestyle and went without clothing most of the time at home as well as the reaorts/camps they frequent. Some have kids and some don’t.
But most of them, at home, close the door when going to the bathroom.
It’s akin to the situation many parents face when they first notice their kids playing with their genitals enjoying themselves. They don’t want to heap shame on their heads and yet they don’t want them masturbating in public either.
So the easiest way to get across what’s appropriate when is to just talk about privacy. There is no shame in going to the bathroom either but some things are best if they’re done in private.
Even a child can understand that. Heck, there are married couples who still close the bathroom door even if it’s only their spouse around.
Some things are just best done in private. And it sometimes varies from on person to another.
There are men (as Keith noted) who aren’t entirely comfortable peeing in the presence of other men. Some people prefer more privacy than others and there’s nothing wrong with that.
I don’t want her looking at anybody’s penis. WIth stalls we have privacy but not with urinals.
I understand. I wouldn’t want her to see that either…but WHY? What’s wrong with seeing a penis?
Exactly. Urinals have ZERO privacy.
There’s nothing wrong with a penis, per se. But there’s a time and a place for everything.
And childhood just isn’t the best time for young girls having to look at penises UNNECESSARILY.
Obviously, if a young girl wanders in on her daddy taking a pee you don’t make a big freaking deal about it. But why should she need to see a long line of strangers peeing?
Serves no useful purpose.
Some things are just best in private. Peeing and pooping are one of them.
Plus, are we forgetting the stench from a men’s room with a urinal?
I don’t care how much ice you dump in or how many urinal cakes try to disguise it, I don’t want to take a little girl into a men’s bathroom because the smell alone could knock her over :)
She can live a long happy life without ever experiencing that ! ! Believe me, she won’t feel deprived in the slightest :)
I feel sorry for the guys who have no choice and must take their little daughters into the men’s room.
“Don’t touch anything.” “Wait! Wait! Let me put paper down. Wait! Ugh!”
But urinals are not private. And no purpose is “served” by having boys see long lines of stranger peeing penises either. If it was something she was raised with, it wouldn’t affect a little girl at all, either.
So you guys think that cleanliness is the main reason for the separation?
Really, @Dutchess_III, even if your granddaughter was raised with men, would you want her to go into a room with men standing with their dicks out?
It doesn’t much matter what anybody replies to you tonight. I can see that you’re in another one of your “argue just for the sake of arguing ” moods again.
I’m done here.
That’s not true @Buttonstc. I’m trying to think outside of the box on this, for the first time. That’s why I keep asking questions. The last thing I said was, “So you guys think that cleanliness is the main reason for the separation?”
No, @jca I wouldn’t. But do you think that is that a “social construct,” or an actual, valid concern?
Living in conservative region of the world I can say that it’s generally offensive to flap your ‘junk’ next to someone.
It’s also interesting to note that not all men pee with erected/semi-erected penis so… haha you know it wouldn’t make any difference whether or not they flap their flaccid penises as they’re hardly visible.
I personally would like it to be a trend for men to purposely flap their full grown things just to show off in public restroom. I personally find it sexually addictive ahaha and it may also land the person a free blowjob in shared restroom (if the performance is good enough and the audiences are captivated by it).
Spoken like a man, @Unofficial_Member. You think women would actually become aroused at the sight of your junk. Not.
@Dutchess_III You should take it as a joke! Haha. But, then again, I believe different women think differently. If given the proper amount of incentive who knows it will happen. I imagine a man will say “Yo girl, wanna taste my long lollipop? I got $50 for ya”. Lol.
In your scenario you could give the same incentive to a man in exchange for a blow job.
They’d do it in a heart beat too, just like you’re suggesting a woman would. I mean, gosh…FIFTY DOLLARS??!!! Wow.
And male or female, the result for you would be identical so what’s the difference? So, is that what men do in the men’s bathroom?
I’m so grossed out right now.
It’s all theater of the mind as each guy will make movements and gestures like they are struggling to whip out an elephant trunk from their pants.
Ah, @Dutchess_III you always ask questions and expect answers that you expect to apply to all people, all the time, which is impossible…
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