Do any Republicans really think Trump won't be the nominee?
Asked by
JLeslie (
April 27th, 2016
from iPhone
I don’t mean just jelly Republicans, I mean any in America? I don’t care what the rules are, don’t you think it will be chaos if they “appoint” someone else?
Talk about the world looking at us like we are hypocrites and corrupt. How can we ever again call ourselves a democracy? I guess the Republicans can argue we are a republic not a democracy. We are both actually.
The will of the people is obviously for Trump. Even if you combine delegates for Kasich and Cruz, sometimes Trump wins anyway in a lot of states.
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10 Answers
I just saw Rick Perry on The View talking about a contested convention. He said, ”...Al Gore got the most votes…”
So, I guess at least some Republicans still really are thinking it won’t be Trump and are just fine with with appointing someone else even if Trump misses the votes needed before the convention by just one vote.
I’d take Rick Perry with a grain of salt. If Trump is anywhere close, he’ll be the nominee.
It looks like he will get the 1237 on the first vote. If he doesn’t they can’t just ignore the rule and say it’s close enough. I suspect that if he doesn’t make the 1237 on the first vote, he will on the second but I would be disappointed if they just give it to him without the 1237.
Most Republicans are already resigned to a Trump victory and it is all but inevitable at this point.
If they do “appoint” someone else, I imagine the furor will be significantly worse than the imbroglio over Boaty McBoatface :)
Only death can stop him…a hired gun perhaps?
To answer your question, _“Yes, I think there are still republicans that think Trump won’t be the nominee.”
If there weren’t Cruz and Kasich would have thrown in the towel.
Hell, I’m sure there are still Democrats in denial about Hillary being their candidate. It’s tempting. A spoonful of delusion makes the medicine go down.
This week the folks at National Review are calling for Governor Mike Pence to swing Indiana for Cruz. They are claiming the Republican primary rules are rigged in favor of Trump, saying “Trump spent all spring picking up delegates he did not deserve”.
Of course once Trump is the nominee they will fall in line to fight for his election and crow that supporting Trump is an expression of their long-held principles.
I wonder if they’ll scrub the site to hide their apostasies.
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