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JLeslie's avatar

If Carly Fiorina had been asked by Trump to be VP would she be singing his praises and telling everyone we need business people in the White House?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) April 28th, 2016 from iPhone

Do you really believe Fiorina really thinks Cruz will make a good President? Or, is she all about herself?

Assuming Cruz loses, has she screwed herself to ever try for President or VP again?

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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Fiorina is a last ditch Hail Mary pass for Cruz. And it’s going to fail.

Remember that Fiorina’s business and leadership history, to be crude about it sucks.

She’s a republican woman… talk about a token choice.

JLeslie's avatar

I think it’s more than being a token woman. It also has to do with California hasn’t voted yet.

zenvelo's avatar

Having been through the age of Carly at HP here in Northern California and again while she ran for the Senate, Carly is a manipulative woman who is blind to her own incompetencies. And California can’t stand her.

JLeslie's avatar

If CA can’t stand her then it would seem the Cruz campaign made a bad decision. CA is going to be pretty important; as it always is.

ibstubro's avatar

In my personal opinion, both Fiorina and Kasich have tainted their political careers forever by throwing in with Cruz. The slobber of death for me.

Fiorina is obviously desperate to be a successful politician, and obviously believes there’s more than one path to get there.

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie California is rarely important, because it is pretty predictable. The conventions are usually pretty well decide before the California primary.

Pachy's avatar

And the Repubes talk about playing the gender card—Such
hypocrisy! I cannot tell you how turned off I am by Cruz and Fiorina.

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