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JLeslie's avatar

Do you think Ted Cruz wants to drop out, but the powers in the party have begged him to stay?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) April 28th, 2016 from iPhone

I guess maybe he has his own hopes of still becoming president so he stays in, but my gut tells me the powers in the right wing are also playing a big part in encouraging him to stay.

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9 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

I think the powers-that-be may have begged Cruz to slit his wrists from palm to shoulder while laying in a warm bath, but I doubt that many have begged him to stay in the race. I shudder to think the caliber of person that makes up a politician shunned by politicians.

Trump makes them sick to their stomachs, Cruz causes many of them to do a Linda Blair.

Judi's avatar

The right wing can’t stand him
Boehner even said he’d vote for Trump first

Buttonstc's avatar

I doubt it. Boehner describes him as “Lucifer in the flesh.”

Also, this little gem from @Judi‘s link:
Boehner added that while he would vote for Trump in a general election, he would not vote for Cruz.
Regarding the general election then, this naturally begs the question: For whom would he vote? A Democrat? That’s a whole lotta Cruz hate. :)

Plus, Cruz, his family and the rest of the cabal have pegged him as “the anointed one”

Anointed ones don’t just drop out. They wait till they’re carried out feet first :)

All kidding aside, he really does take that anointed stuff seriously. He feels it’s his destiny.

Compared to that, Trump’s brand of crazy (like a bull in a china shop) is looking more benign by the minute.

msh's avatar

You just pretty-much had one of the head members of the Dark Side state that it was not going to be a candidate of his financial backing that was going to be in control of the red telephone next. Wait, who would control the big red button of destruction. No. That’s not it…
Oh hell, it won’t be a Republican in the WH- it’ll be a….Democrat! Duhn-duhn-duuuuhhhnnn.
Have a Koch and a smile!

stanleybmanly's avatar

The nightmare approaches as the specter of Clinton vs Trump looms inevitably certain. For the established Republican order it’s rock and a hard place, devil and the deep blue sea. Desperate times? Hurl the loathsome Cruz in the path of the Trump juggernaut with the hope of derailing the creature at the convention. The establishment can destroy Trump’s chances by simply introducing a detailed expose’ of his actual history. But there is no chance of any alternative candidate going up against Clinton minus Trump’s pissed off supporters. For the Republicans, it’s a hopeless situation, because simply unifying to back Trump leaves the Democrats to dish up the dirt in his past and rag gleefully on his spectaular flaws. What a treat!

Jaxk's avatar

Nothing to be gained by a contested convention at this point. The establishment doesn’t like Cruz anymore than they do Trump. I think you’re misreading your Tarot Cards.

ibstubro's avatar

I think at one point some of the powers-that-be were encouraging Cruz as a way to stop Trump. They probably had it figured that if Trump was the party leader and could be dropped at a contested convention, Cruz could be dumped as well. Paul Ryan stepping in was the dream of many. That dream died quite a while back.

In short, I think the plan was to use Cruz to screw Trump, and then use Ryan [whoever] to screw Cruz. I imagine that there was a lot of anticipatory glee at the prospect of screwing Cruz. It would have been poetic justice. Problem was, Cruz was one of the few politicians to reach the national stage that actually made Trump look good.

tinyfaery's avatar

Hey, Cruz is on a divine mission from God, just like Romney in 2012…oh, wait.

JLeslie's avatar

I guess I made a mistake. I made a bad assumption. I didn’t realize the right wing doesn’t like Cruz. Does Boehner represent the far right? My “Bible Belt” Christian friends all will vote or voted for Cruz. I was thinking more in terms of the people with the money who help to control whomever represents the party.

Although, I heard the Koch brothers won’t be backing any of them.

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