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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do natural or homeopathic treatments for schizophrenia exist?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) May 1st, 2016

Or other alternatives.

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11 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Better to go with conventional medicine in such cases.

shilolo's avatar

There is no such thing as a homeopathic treatment for anything. Zero. Zilch. None. Nada.

zenvelo's avatar

There seem to be alternative treatments for some of the symptoms, but trying to figure out which is appropriate without the guidance of a doctor is nigh impossible. Best to go with the guidance of a psychiatrist.

janbb's avatar

Hi shi!! Good to see ya!

imrainmaker's avatar

@shilolo – Many people might disagree with you. But @reddeerguy1 for cases like schezophrenia it Would be better if you dont take any chances by experimenting with different types of medicines. It can be in addition to what is being done through conventional methods but that too should be done with caution.

filmfann's avatar

Nothing that I am familiar with that works. Best to leave it to physicians and pharmacists.

I am of two minds on this, and we agree.

cazzie's avatar

Homeopathy is placebo only. There is nothing medicinal about it. It is not a valid treatment for real disease or illness.

Rarebear's avatar

Actually there is one use for homeopathy. Let’s say you’re stranded in a desert and you’re really really thirsty. You need to find a lizard, trap it and kill it. Dissect out its liver. Then get some water and take a tiny piece of the liver and put it in the water. Shake. Then take a small amount of that, just a tiny amount in a new gallon of water. Shake. Then take a tiny bit of that in put in another gallon of water. Shake. Then put a tiny amount of that and out in a gallon of water. Shake.

Then, once the homeopathic remedy is really strong because you have diluted it so much drink it and your thirst will be quenched.

LostInParadise's avatar

There are no natural medicines that I know of for schizophrenia, but St. John’s wort has been shown to be of some benefit for people with depression, and recent work with psychedelic mushrooms suggests they may be very effective in treating depression.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Homeopathic medicine is nonsense, holistic too.
That said there are “home remedies” which are completely valid and work great, like ginger for motion sickness.

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