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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is a fair wage for your job?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) May 2nd, 2016

Are you getting paid what you think should get? If not then why not? Is anyone getting paid more than you think you ought to? What career or profession do you work in?

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17 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m paid in line for my location, field and experience. It’s fair.

jca's avatar

I am, too.

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

I’m likely getting paid more than I should, which makes me nervous. Software engineer.

janbb's avatar

I get paid an hourly rate that I’m very happy with.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m retired, work load is great; in line with payment.

Coloma's avatar

I’m paid quite generously for my pet/house sitting engagements. people pay pet sitters more than babysitters. haha People want their pets coddled and happy when they are away.

JLeslie's avatar

My last job I was underpaid. Basically, it was an office manager job. I was making $14 an hour and easily should have been making $22. I charge $22 to a client that I do similar work on a self contract basis. People similar to me who are more advanced with their Quickbooks and bookkeeping knowledge often charge $40 an hour.

I signed up with a temp agency last week and Friday and Saturday I manned Passover/Sabbath elevators at a hotel. The resort is gorgeous (I’ve been there many times before as a customer or guest to an event or with a friend who is a member there) and I actually had fun. I only made $10.50 an hour, which usually I won’t work for so little, but I didn’t care. I wanted to help.

If I took a full time job again ever in the future it would have to be for more than what I have been paid hourly in the last ten years. I worked for less, because I had flexibility and didn’t have to do whatever it was for 40+ hours a week. Semi-freedom from the “prison” of a job is worth money to me. Not that I feel imprisoned by work usually, but you do have to be there.

I see people severely underpaid all around me. I think it’s awful.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I haven’t quite decided whether or not I’m fairly compensated. That is the one aspect of my existence that I foolishly tend to neglect. Inflation is a truly insidious reality. On Friday, I found myself in San jose starving. I made the mistake of driving into a Burger King lot & walking into this huge space of a place that would never be tolerated in San Francisco. That sort of square footage for fast food is absolutely unheard of in San Francisco. Anyway I paid $5 and change for a whopper that was without question the worst example of a hamburger that I’ve come across. 2 bites and I put the thing down on the wrapper it came in, hungry as I was. I just sat there contemplating the thing, trying to figure out if it might be possible to deliberately concoct a sandwich so flat, bland and absolutely tasteless. I had memories of The Whopper as a safe bet in the fast food realm. I also remember the thing selling for around 3 bucks.

jca's avatar

@stanleybmanly: I wonder if you could have returned it. You probably could have.

Coloma's avatar

“Yes, I would like to return this thing.” haha

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

I get a roof over my head and daily kisses and hugs for taking care of my family. I do everything except electrical and plumbing work.

Cruiser's avatar

$750,000.00 CEO, Baby sitter and referee.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@jca I considered it but just for a second. I mean beyond matters of hygiene or an order being screwed up, what business do I have complaining to some teenager about the standards of cuisine at a Burger King? It’s too much like lording it over a kid whose life is probably a great deal more difficult than my own. As it is, the incident was so trivial that It’s a reflection of just how pampered my existence must be that I’m still ragging on it.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

It’s not about the job.

It’s about ability and experience.

johnpowell's avatar

I shoot for around 75 a hour. But when I take into account acquiring customers and working out what I have to exactly do and the time spent getting them to actually pay it comes out closer to 25.

Lightlyseared's avatar

More than I get hit less than I want.

jca's avatar

@stanleybmanly: I mean from the standpoint of being a customer, you can return the burger. I’m not talking about complaining in a nasty way, I’m talking about stating that you don’t like it and would like something else or money back. I’m sure all workers at fast food places have heard customers say they don’t like something about their food, order was wrong, etc. That’s part of any service job.

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