Okay, is this a joke US jellies?
Okay, it’s been fun. We got the joke. Now it’s getting scary. Letting the Presidential race come down to a choice between The Donald and either Bernie or Hilary is just not funny anymore. You’re letting the silliness go too far! What if things go wrong? What if people slip up and he wins the race? People, you are scaring the rest of the world. Enough people. How do you think the rest of the world will view the US if you let that happen? What will you do if that happens? Is there a back-up plan?
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36 Answers
I’m not a Yoo ess ayan, no really, but this upcoming election is the best joke ever, very entertaining
I have placed my head firmly in the sand for awhile. I was citing facts and figures for a while, and actually having intelligent discourse with folks of differing persuasions, but everybody’s just fucking nuts now, so I’m reading Science Fiction and hiding in my house.
I have changed my mind about voting for Hillary. If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination I will write his name in. I refuse to take part in a rigged system by throwing up my hands and picking the lesser of two evils.
I don’t see where the rest of the world is terrified of Trump. The jokes over and now they will have to grapple with the reality that the US will no longer have a pushover pussy who couldn’t make a decision to save his own life for president.
Not sure if this will make you feel any better, but Trump has some pretty horrible unfavorable ratings (link).
Now, also consider that these are primaries, so in more than half of the states, only Republicans can place their votes. And only 25% of U.S. voters is a Republican (as of April 2016). So, people who are going out to vote for Trump make up a small percentage of the U.S.
Another thing to consider is that the U.S. president can’t just do whatever s/he wants. There are limits on the role of the executive branch, so even much of Trump’s plans would not be possible.
It’s worth noting that the Democrat’s horrible choice is also a very disliked figure. But she seems to be less disliked than Trump. The U.S. had an actual chance with Sanders, but the Democrats proved once again that they are not the solution – they are the problem.
Anyway, don’t worry. You’ll end up with a relative hawk in Clinton, and we’ll say goodbye to the Democratic party. 2020 will be Republican, and we’ll be talking about Cruz and his absurd religious fanaticism.
I’m just hoping when shit goes down it happens quickly, and that some other country is happy to take in a small family of liberal, atheist refugees.
The big problem with a Trump v. Clinton race is that one of them might win the election.
It’s pretty terrifying actually.
@CWOTUS Yes, my thoughts exactly. G.A.
All that said the status quo does not give a shit who the president is. Things really are not going to change much.
I may have said this elsewhere and on another thread. I had said it earlier this year on another forum, but I don’t know if I did it here or not.
The only thing that I can say with any certainty about “the next Administration” (whoever is nominally in charge of it) is that it will be worse than the current one. And so on until the eventual collapse.
Look at how many of us – even as they were going on – pissed and moaned about the Reagan Administration, the First Bush Administration, the (first) Clinton Administration, the Second Bush Administration – and now look back on those days with a certain nostalgia as “the good ol’ days”. Soon the Obama Administration will take on that patina, too.
Yeah, today is not a happy day.
@CWOTUS said something political that I agreed with!
@CWOTUS: “Look at how many of us – even as they were going on – pissed and moaned about the Reagan Administration, the First Bush Administration, the (first) Clinton Administration, the Second Bush Administration – and now look back on those days with a certain nostalgia as “the good ol’ days”. ”
I don’t know anyone who fits this description. These were certainly not the good ol’ days.
It is time for the world to wake up!
What we get for all the times since 1964 that we’ve said, “Well, at least it can’t get any worse.”
What would you have us do? People are voting. That’s the risk of democracy. Treat enough people like crap and they start to rebel/want change/believe fantasy promises. Then add in if they also feel insecure and superior at the same time, a curious combination, you can get total upheaval.
@JLeslie The thus far mostly silent majority is being heard.
I saw the writing on the wall for so many things a long time ago so I placed my head firmly between my legs and kissed my ass goodbye. I’m ready for anything now. But Hillary will win in the end, of that I am confident.
I just saw a funny FB meme that said “the problem with the upcoming elections is one of them is going to win.” Hahaha
@kritiper we’ll see, I would not be that confident.
What makes it particularly irksome is that there is a highly qualified person, Elizabeth Warren, who is not running.
@LostInParadise Yes, if she were running, I’d be supporting her whole-heartedly. A policy wonk with fire and heart – what’s not to love!
If only we had a Cincinnatus to summon from the fields—someone to draft who is too virtuous to seek the job.
We’re more likely to find a Julius Caesar who’s illiterate in Latin:
Venial, vindictive, vicious.
It’s pretty terrifying that people are so concerned about America’s image when selecting a President.
Aren’t there enough real problems?
I think the rest of the world thinking Americans are racist, reactionary dickheads is a real problem.
^ Agreed.
Their thinking that is problematic.
Sounds like they could use less biased news outlets just like the rest of us could.
When we hire racist, reactionary dickheads to run the country the thinking isn’t inaccurate.
Here are some images of who we’re going to be dealing with in November.
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