OK, I have resisted commenting about the Judge Judy error, but as someone who is from the area where a NYC accent is spoken, I just have to set the record straight. And I’m not making a value judgement, just a simple observation.
Judge Judy speaks exactly like what she is; a Jewish person born and raised in New York.
An Italian NYC speech pattern is not the same as a Jewish NYC speech pattern. Of course there are similarities with SOME words but there are also distinct differences.
It’s one of those “recognize it when you hear it” types of things.
But just for a quick comparison for illustration (and this is totally regardless if you ever knew their last names ) nobody hearing Gilbert Gottfried (quintessential NYC) would ever think that’s an Italian guy talking. Likewise, nobody hearing James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) woukd ever think he’s Jewish.
Both speak NYCITY-ese but clear differences.
Judge Judy is quintessential NYC Jewish born and bred and speaks like it. How do I know this? Because nobody has EVER assumed that I’m Italian. I speak quite a bit like she does and people just assume I’m Jewish all the time.
I’m not, but I certainly don’t mind it. I was born and raised on Long Island (which is fast becoming the last repository of authentic NYC speak, as everybody in NY now aspires to sound more like the upper Eastside version of a very proper George Plimpton.)
Also, my brother and sister both married NY/LI Italians so I definitely know from Italian. It’s not identical to Jewish. If you’ve been around both for a good portion of your life, you recognize either when you hear it.
Not to overuse a stereotype here, but my nephew chooses to call HIMSELF “Vinny the Guido” and he sounds EXACTLY like it. We didn’t choose this nickname for him. He chose it himself and since he’s now an adult in his 30s, theres not a whole lot we can do about it.
But, anyhow, trust me on this, Judge Judy sounds NOTHING like him at all.
Do you remember the terrific Mike Myers SNL sketch where he impersonates his MIL on a faux talk show called “Coffee Talk” and pronounced Cawfee Tawk? That is quintessential NYC/LI. And nobody assumes that she’s Italian. Likewise, Barbra Streisand. People are not assuming she’s Italian from the way that she speaks.
There’s a fairly lengthy detailed explication of all this complete with vowel patterns and diphthongs explanation from a professor who has studied these speech patterns in detail on Wikipedia illustrating the differences but I’m not going to post it here. If you need proof of what I’ve just outlined you can hunt it up. But be prepared for some very dry reading.
But I’m certainly willing to forgive someone from Kansas for not being up on the nuances between NYC Italian and NYC Jewish.