General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What should I do with some extra old hard drives?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) May 7th, 2016

I was digging through my shelves earlier and found a bunch of old hard drives. I’ve recently upgraded to 1 and 2 TB drives on my desktop, but I never threw the old ones away.

I have a 320gb, a couple of 640 gb, and one other. They all seem to work just fine (I spun them up) and saw what was on them (nothing).

I hate to throw them away, but then, what do I do with a bunch of hard drives that are just sitting around?

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5 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

grab some cheap cheap hardware off ebay, build a cheap pc, and donate it to some poor family.

kritiper's avatar

Advertise them on Craig’s list or somewhere. I could have kept my old computer (ME) if I had a new hard drive for it. It had some cool games, WORD, and was easier to use (sans internet connection) than this unit (Windows 7) I have now. I’ll bet some computer nerd would want them!

XOIIO's avatar

If you have an old pc, stick them in that and use it as network storage.

johnpowell's avatar

I agree with donating. There is probably a organization such as freegeek near you that will use them to help people in need without any additional cost to you.

ibstubro's avatar

Donate to Goodwill.
If the hard drives cannot be re-used, they will be recycled. Confidentiality is guaranteed, and I notice that Goodwill is now specifically mentioning that this is a section of the business where employees with special needs (incapable of working at the retail level) find work.
I’m uncertain if Dell is still part of the program.

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