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Mimishu1995's avatar

What is easier than people realize?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23810points) May 9th, 2016

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24 Answers

dxs's avatar


Most people just have a fixed mindset.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Falling into crushing debt.

johnpowell's avatar

Making bread from scratch. Seriously, make your own bread. So much better and cheaper.

However, buy croissants, they are brutal to make.

Buttonstc's avatar

Deciding when to use its or it’s in your writing.

If you can substitute the words “it is” to replace the its, then you must put the apostrophe in because it’s a contraction of those two words (like can’t for can not)

If replacing the its with those two words makes no sense then you leave it out.

For example, “My cat always puts its toys into its food dish.”

Makes absolutely no sense to substitute “it is” so leave out the apostrophe.

Very simple. Works every time.

johnpowell's avatar

Please don’t get Button started on there, their, they’re…

Oh god. The Oxford comma.

Buttonstc's avatar


Ha ha. I tried that once and that’s it. Not always that simple without thinking about it a little.

But it is possible…

And you’re absolutely correct about the bread.

Here’s ONE Of the NY Times most requested Recipes. Easy peas.

Pandora's avatar

Getting blood stains out of clothes.
Learning to sew.
Changing a car tire.
Simple car maintenance.
Falling out of love.
Well, falling out of almost anything. LOL
But honestly, almost anything is easy to learn once you learn the concept and how to apply it. Retaining the information and applying it, is what is difficult. Especially if you are not that keen in learning it in the first place.
Plenty of times I have attempted to learn something and the moment I conquer it, I lose interest and within a week, forget the process.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Pandora I just learned how to do that! It’s as simple as hydrogen peroxide. I never knew!

janbb's avatar

@Pandora How do you fall out of love?

Soubresaut's avatar

@Pandora @DrasticDreamer—I’ve never heard of using hydrogen peroxide for it! But I do know that stuff somehow takes out stains without whitening, which astounds me who is so used to bleach… Simply soaking in cold water works well, too, I’ve found—most if not all of the blood will dissolve into the water. Then I just take a few drops of laundry detergent, work the soap into whatever is left, and rinse it/let it soak some more and rinse. Definitely takes some patience (it’s a waiting game). Hydrogen peroxide is probably quicker, but may not work for all fabrics? (Not sure on that)

Pachy's avatar

Hurting someone’s feelings.

Mariah's avatar

I agree with @dxs! I totally believe that people can understand a lot more math concepts than they think they can, if they just stop telling themselves “I’m bad at math” and if they have a good teacher or tutor who can explain things in multiple different ways until one of the ways makes sense.

Pandora's avatar

@DrasticDreamer Yep, hydrogen peroxide and also as @Soubresaut suggest. Leaving it sit overnight in cold water will usually get rid of about 90 percent. But if you rub a little bit of vinegar on it and let it sit and then put it in the cold water and the next day use a little bit of dawn, the stain should be completely gone. Peroxide does work but I some color bleaching may happen. Really depends on the dye.

@janbb I always found it easy to kill past loves by remembering that I deserved better and that I only have one life, so I best not waste it on people who don’t deserve to be in my life. I use to adore my brother until one day he punched me. You will be amazed at how quickly hate can also kill your feelings for someone else. It was like a light switch. One minute I adored and respected him. Then one punch and I wanted to rip his throat out the next minute. Till today, we don’t really speak directly to each other. I’ve tried to make myself over the years but then he would say something stupid and I would remember why we don’t speak. I don’t wish him ill and I don’t hate him any longer but I truly don’t have any feelings of love or respect for him. I even wish him well because of the memory of the man I once knew. I mourned the person he was and have never seen a glimmer of that young man. We will go years without seeing each other until a family reunion of some sort. We are polite to each other the way stranger are polite. That is all. That is when I first learn that love of any sort can be killed.

I then learned that you can apply that feeling to any relationship. Hate is like a raging fire that burns everything down to ash. Not that I hated all my exes, but I would hate certain things they did or do and it was enough to help me always move on.
Or maybe, I just love myself enough.

marinelife's avatar

Setting your mind to being happy.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I make that NY times recipie all the time. Does not get easier than that.
I agree about math too, people get intimidated by fancy symbols, perception of complexity and stuff but it’s mostly easy.
I will add most household repairs such as plumbing, flooring, drywall etc. All easy.

jca's avatar

Letting go of grudges.

Coloma's avatar

Letting go of people that are bad for your emotional health.
Just do it!

ucme's avatar

Firing staff, one groes to enjoy it after only a short while

ucme's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Gaining weight! haha
A few hundred extra calories a day equals 30 LBS. by the end of the year. Bah humbug!

Coloma's avatar

@ucme Are you being humorous or do you really get off on wielding your axe over the lowly help?

ucme's avatar

I shall leave that decision to the reader, pontificate away

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Coloma don’t know why but to me it’s actually the opposite. I just can’t seem to gain more weight.

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