I just told Census Canada that I am an immortal time traveler, will I get into trouble?
It was online. Just looking for the recognition of my plight and to force the issue. Humor welcome… don’t hurt me.
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87 Answers
The secret service will be notified in due course.
They may send someone to test your claim. Don’t let in anyone who looks like Alex Trebec.
Time traveling is a bitch.
I was sent back to kill baby Trump, but arrived too late.
@filmfann If you killed Trump then Mitt Romney would be president now.
Well, .... Um. What plight is it that you wish to draw attention to?
You are not a time traveling immortal. Sorry, but you just aren’t.
@Dutchess_III Travelling through time with few being able to help because I’m not taken seriously. I’m trapped in hell. Not being able to come home. Reliving trauma and not being able to end my torment. I want to be allowed to quit die in peace or win the game. Jerks saying that I am not traveling thru time and not helping me. too much is expected of me .
OK, he’s not immortal @Darth_Algar. We got that. But what about the other?
I want a hamburger. Immortals don’t eat hamburgers so I can’t ask you to join me, @RedDeerGuy1.
I had blueberries and a chocolate bar. LOL.
Immortals can eat what they want. As long as it is available.
Immortals don’t have to eat anything.
Well I’m the first then. If Christians can say that their soul is immortal then I can say it too.
Well, you’re not! There have been lots of immortals before you, obviously, or we wouldn’t even know about them.
Yet I am here. I’m a new immortal.
Ok, so, what happens if you don’t eat?
I always ate. Except for two weeks in university where I was locked outside alone in the hot sun and cold nights.
~~~~ If the Census team shows up in “white lab coats” and an orange straitjacket. you’re trouble !
Yes but what if you don’t eat? What would happen then? Would you still be immortal?
As you had to print out your birthdate..they do not care about the Immortality comment.
They have the facts and that is all that they wanted.
Talk about time travel possibilities? See this video and more like that..
at :
One should keep an open mind about topics that are unusual as those sometimes turn into gold mines of ideas.
Think how a person in ancient times would had thought about our world technologies today?
There are always the possiblility of anything.
@RedDeerGuy1 Has anyone ever suggested that your “time travel” might actually be a PTSD flashback? I am being serious here.
Be prepared to be appointed to the Cour suprême du Canada
Go to your window now and look outside discreetly. You will see two guys in suits sitting in a parked government vehicle watching your residence. See them?
Can’t you just go back and change your answer?
Time for frank talk – your time traveling immortality claim isn’t taken seriously because it’s a delusion. Mostly likely what you are experiencing is, as @anniereborn suggested, PTSD flashbacks. If you want help then you’ve got to be willing to see delusions for what they are rather than insisting upon the impossible.
If you get investigated and feel the need to walk back the claim, just tell them that you meant “immoral” and somehow hit an extra key.
Other than that, we’re all time travelers, but we only go one way.
If someone very understanding appears at your apartment saying they know you are an immortal time traveller and want to help you don’t get into their white van. It will take you directly to the Canadian Loony Tunes Confinement Unit.
Pretty sure he wasn’t serious, guys. He said “Humor welcome.”
So, what happens if you go back in time and run into yourself? I’ve read the White Dragon series. Running into yourself is bad, bad, bad news!
Also, what if you go back in time and accidentally kill your grandfather before he has any children?
@Dutchess_III Maybe not about the census thing, but he has talked about being a time traveler forever.
@Dutchess_III I posses my younger self and we share memories. I’m not going to kill anyone to find out. I go into my younger self only.
@flutherother I was committed for 5 months In 2012 they don’t want me back. They said I’m not hurting anyone and can belive what I want.
@RedDeerGuy1 ” I posses my younger self and we share memories.” Sounds like inner child work and/or flashbacks. I have something similar, so I think I sorta understand.
You sound like you’d like to get into Dr Who
@ucme I had a doctor named dr. WATT. He didn’t get the joke.
@ucme Yes. He must have focused on studies and not life growing up.
But no @RedDeerGuy1…what if you accidentally killed your grandfather, before he had any kids. What would happen then?
On first, you guys.
@Dutchess_III Nothing. It would be a grandpa from another dimension.
Wait! Watt? When? Who knew!
@Dutchess_III I fucked up my grandpa’s insulin dose and killed him in 1995. So ... I can’t change everything. I liked him. He kept me fed.
A census taker once tried to test me, I ate his liver with some fava beans & a nice chianti…thh…thh…thh…thhh
@ucme You have improper eating habits.
This site really needs an “ignore” feature.
It’s called clicking the “Stop following” button up there @Darth_Algar.
@Dutchess_III That’s just for one thread. It doesn’t help posters you want to ignore.
OK…well, gee. Hm. Does he want an “ignore” feature that lets the person that he wants to ignore know that he’s ignoring them? I mean, what’s the fun of ignoring someone if they don’t know their being ignored?
Hahaha! When my daughter was little she was pouting about something once and flumping around with her arms crossed. When I didn’t react she said; “Mommie, I’m eenoring you!”
@Dutchess_III I don’t think it’s about fun, I would think it’s about not having to deal with someone.
It’s about simply not having to wade through someone’s irrelevant shit posting. That is all.
Easy enough to say, except when it’s a thread which might continue in some productive discussion if not for the inane blather.
So just skip past their posts. Don’t read them .
Besides, this question is hardly a wonderful forum for “some productive discussion.”
Time travel is real.
No, it’s not.
Yes, it is.
No, it’s not.
Yes it is.
You’ll get into terrible trouble but I wouldn’t worry about it. It will be completely forgotten in 150 years or so.
That’s right. Terrible, terrible trouble. But don’t lose any sleep over it. You never know when you’ll never the chance to sleep again.
Wait…do you go forward in time, or backward?
I’m a time traveler. I travel forward in time 1 second per second. Also immortal. I’ve never died. Not even once. Ask anyone.
Well, @RedDeerGuy1, do you go forward in time, or back in time?
@Dutchess_III Back and I have to live forward. A real pain to fix trivial mistakes. I don’t have control of the how or the when. I also have visions of the future and past.
In a hunter-gatherer society you might be regarded as a shaman As far as I know, the Canadian goverment does not recognize shaman as a legitimate profession. Here is a lecture by neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky discussing the role of schizoids in the formation of religions, including Western religions.
@RedDeerGuy1 Thanks all for your answers. Dr. referring me to a neurologist for an brain scan. will update when I find this tread again.
Update: Brain scan was normal. I fell asleep with the one that i needed to stay awake for 24 hours before the scan. No new info. Neurologist might not be taking any more data until the Covid19 is over.
That’s great, but mental health issues, like PTSD, won’t show up on a brain scan.
Update diagnosed as IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome. I don’t know how an intestinal health problem can effect my mental health but DR. Thinks so.
Also my psychiatrist says that I have graduated from the program to and don’t need to see him anymore.
Also I picked my career. It is to learn about career counseling and doing work updating resource material on careers selecting and investigating. Hopefully I will be able to contribute to Fluther more as I learn something new.
That sounds like good news. How do you plan to learn about career counseling?
@LostInParadise I will buy textbooks online and in university bookstores. Then sign up for classes in my local university in psychology and from the five psychology classes in career counseling from Athabasca university.
Will pay off my debt first and pay with cash later after saving money.
Do you plan to get a degree? Just taking classes may not be sufficient. Many career counseling firms require an advanced degree. Link Scroll down about halfway
@LostInParadise I will play it by ear. Hopefully I will be helpful to Jellies as I learn. I’m still on permanent disability for now. So would be a hobby for a bit. In Alberta one needs a masters degree; so will be awhile. Athabasca university has online masters degree’s in counseling.
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