Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

If Hillary Clinton wins, who do you think that she'll take as VP?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) May 11th, 2016 from iPhone

Warren? Sanders?

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19 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Tulsi Gabbard

chyna's avatar

My bet is on Warren.

ucme's avatar

Betty Boop

picante's avatar

She’ll select her running mate prior to the election (not after she wins). As to the individual, I do hope it’s Warren, but I’m not confident. Boop would be a good choice, IMHO.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Keep Joe Biden.

Warren will be even more effective in the Senate with the Democrats in the majority.

ucme's avatar

Jenny from the block, don’t be fooled by the rocks she got

canidmajor's avatar

@picante: I’m pretty sure @Mama_Cakes meant “wins the nomination”.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Jesse Ventura.

Judi's avatar

Corey Booker

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Lady Gaga would be nice. It would make the West Wing an interesting place for once.

Rarebear's avatar

I’m betting on Tim Kaine.

LostInParadise's avatar

Bernie Sanders would be a good choice. Some Sanders supporters may see it as selling out if he would accept, but I see it as a way of trying to heal divisions in the party.

Warren has important work to do in the Senate. She might decline the nomination. There is also the possibility that people might get freaked out about having the both presidential and VP candidates being women. Trump would have a field day with this.

CWOTUS's avatar

A team of lawyers to be named later.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I agree with @Call_Me_Jay and @LostInParadise about Warren being more important now in the Senate. It just highlights the fact that we need more Warrens. But I don’t agree that an all female presidential team would be a serious issue with any but the most truculent social Luddite, who I believe is a rapidly disappearing species.

I would love to see Sanders as VP. I don’t think he is capable of sitting quietly cloistered in the West Wing. I think he would be the most interesting and active VP this country has ever had. He would keep the social democratic conversation in the forefront which is extremely important. Warren and others can pick up his mantle in the Senate.

And, because of his age, he’s not going to get another crack at the presidency. This guy is going to die at his desk anyway, so let’s give him a decent desk to rail from while he’s still with us. I love this old trooper. We really need him and many more like him. But I’m afraid Hillary finds him too much of a pain in the ass.

Judi's avatar

I don’t think she will nominate someone who hasn’t endorsed her. I’d put ten bucks on Corey Booker. Not only did he endorse her early, but he recently published a book so the press has something to chew on to get to know him. All the hallmarks of preparing for a vice presidential bid.

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