Meta Question

ucme's avatar

Fluther was running over capacity, apparently not for everyone, how about you?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 11th, 2016

As asked

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19 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I’m not having that issue. Maybe it’s a glitch in your computer.

marinelife's avatar

I am not having any problems these days. Dump your cache?

Coloma's avatar

No problem here either.

ucme's avatar

I’m all good now, quick clear of history & bobette’s ya auntie

janbb's avatar

Guess the staff sorted it out for you.

ucme's avatar

Well, a brief search through the recent history suggests Carstairs may have been to blame.
It revealed a softcore porn site & more than a few views of What the Butler Saw
I shall however give him the benefit of the doubt & spare him the axe, for now

ibstubro's avatar

Yesterday the site was down for hours, displaying the ‘over capacity’ error.
You can verify that fact on the Fluther Facebook page.

ucme's avatar

That sounds more like it, interesting…

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I had problems yesterday. I cleared my cache and it was fine after that.

ibstubro's avatar

May 10th, 5:30–7:30 a.m. Stinley time.

rojo's avatar

I did have a problem getting on one morning this week.

ucme's avatar

A strange episode all round

longgone's avatar

Yeah, we had to reset the servers. No idea why they were down in the first place. You can thank Mariah – and Stinley for the quick alert!

ucme's avatar

And yet no one in their capacity as a mod felt the need to respond way earlier in the thread despite being aware of the issue. On the contrary, they shut the question down with “This discussion is closed”
Server issues are raised frequently by users with the direct aim that a mod, in the loop as it were, would respond accordingly, yet the silence was deafening.

longgone's avatar

I noticed this thread when things had been back to normal for a while, so I did not feel like it needed an answer immediately. For future reference: We don’t see all the threads. If you’d like a mod’s attention, messaging us works best. Flagging this thread would have worked, too, but it can take a while to wade through all the flags on spam.

ucme's avatar

But at least one (mod) did see the thread & chose to pull it, swiftly followed by closing the discussion altogether, although that decision was later amended

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

It did for me. No big deal. I had better things to do anyway. Fluther would have kept me from those things.

It is just the internet. :)

longgone's avatar

@ucme Ah, I think I get what you’re saying now. When threads are sent to editing, they will all show up with the note “This discussion is closed” – is that what you mean? Because the discussion was never closed with the intent of keeping it closed. It was sent back to you (for typos), and I made sure to post the explanation as soon as you had edited it.

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