Do you have an "unusual" artistic hobby?
I just mentioned in another question that I started getting into wood burning about a week ago. As artistic hobbies go, it seems pretty unusual. So it got me wondering what other rare artistic pursuits some other Jellies might have? Anyone care to share? And provide pictures, too, if you want to. :)
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29 Answers
I used to draw porn. Now I do not seem to find the time or will anymore.
I stick a good sized straw loaded with paint up my arse, squat over a blank canvas & wait for the fart magic to begin.
Never use brown paint though, tends to give you a bit of a fright, restricts the creative flow
I do decoupage. I can take any course at the local community college for free, through my job, so about 15 years ago, I took faux finishing. The one thing I really took a liking to was decoupage, and ever since, I got really good at it.
I consider my gardening an art. I’ve recently begun to sculpt bonsai’s from shoots from a Frankincense tree. I make goat cheese. I made a bouillabaisse yesterday that was a work of art.
I still have my comic books. When I was still at school I drew them when I was bored and during break time. So far I have gathered some fans from both my class and other classes. I don’t have them with me right now but if you’d like I’ll post some sample later.
Warning: it’s not as good as you think visually :p
I’m learning how to carve bone.
I’ve got a rotting pig skull feeding some lovely microorganisms, in a vat of water in my backyard right now. In another couple of weeks I’ll scrape out the last bits of meat and transfer it to a vat of peroxide. Eventually I’ll be able to see whether I can make the whole skull into a project or just use the bone for other things. Here is another skull I salvaged from the bin after a pig roast.
I also study Medieval history, and have an ongoing project of studying medieval board games. The photo is a selection of games I made to sell at the Renaissance Festival this year.
I like to pull broken old wooden furniture out of people’s trash and make it usable
I like crochet but that isn’t unusual. Crocheting a bouquet and hat for a Pastafarian wedding is a bit unusual.
I also like inkle weaving, which lets me make all sorts of nifty belts and fabric trim for historical re-enactors.
Oh, and then there’s garb.
I don’t do it often anymore but needlefelting is pretty damn weird. Basically you use special barbed needles to stab raw wool over and over until it felts, and you can make 3D objects or 2D scenes.
I made a few birds this way; this little nuthatch is my favorite and hangs on my bedside lamp. I have more pics of other stuff if I find time to dig through my Flickr account later.
It’s a convenient hobby because I get the materials for free; my mom made a career out of selling dyed wool to people who handspin yarn, and she’s always willing to throw her scraps my way.
@Mariah: We took a wool felting class at the library and it was fun and easy. I can see, though, if we had to pay for wool it would get expensive (or could get expensive).
Very creative @Seek with all your crafts.
Love the nuthatch @Mariah
@Cruiser Whoooa your work is gorgeous! Pottery is definitely one thing I want to get into someday too.
I melt together plastic bags and sew them into use able things like wallets and carry totes. I also make wonderful soap from scratch. I started working with cold porcelain a few years ago and I really like it. I learned the old Viking technique of nålbinding. It predates knitting and crochet and it is found as far back in Egypt even. I like to reuse old crafts and make them new and funky.
I’ll try to post pictures.
I don’t know how unusual, but, I have enjoyed freestyle sculpture, drawing and making water gardens over the years, designing various little projects and outbuildings, barns on my properties/
O was a home stager and Int. design asst. for years and am quite talented in decorating. Other hobbies have included poultry keeping, geese and chickens and I make some hilarious cards using cut out photographs and magazine type. I call them the “ransom note” series. haha
I also have done a lot of gardening and cooking and am quite adept at both as well.
I’d like to learn the art of Bonsai too, man, I’m getting old, an old persons hobby. lol
@Coloma: I work with a woman who makes cards and stuff with collages she cuts out from magazines. She makes some cute stuff. @cazzie: I liked the steampunk jewelry box you did.
I have, yet another, 4 day weekend coming up, so I’m hoping to heaps done, I’ll get pictures posted on the progress of my steam punk jewellery cabinet. I just scored some free wall paper sample books and it sort of changed my initial plan for the inside design of it.
I want the vase and plate set @Cruiser! How much and how do I get it???
@Seek I love your life and you’re truly talented. I also love DIYing furniture and various things. I’m happy it’s summer, because that means garage sales. :)
@Cruiser I want to start making pottery so badly. Your stuff is beautiful.
@cazzie Awesome! Do you make soap, as well?
@Dutchess__lll. Just give me my legs back and we can work out a deal! ;)
@DrasticDreamer yes. Soapmaking is my second income. I also teach it and make other natural products like the clay mask and solid lotion bars.
I’m not doing it so much now that I’ve moved but for years I did street fairs galore in Philly doing balloon sculpture and face painting. I really love it but it’s a lot of stuff to haul around and my knees aren’t really up to it anymore.
What is Dutchess doing with Cruisers legs? She should give them back. :^/ ~~
Only in his dreams! I’m keepin’ ‘em.
she’s making really bad movies? Shame on her!
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