What grinds your gears?
Is there one issue (or a group of issues) that could cause you to go into a rant of passion?
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48 Answers
I don’t rant to anybody about anything. For the most part, my opinion is if you have something you feel strongly about, I’m not going to argue with you about it, as I wouldn’t expect you to argue with me about my beliefs.
Two things I feel strongly about is unions making it better for average working class people and abortion needs to be legal. I also don’t want anybody’s religion or lack of religion pushed on me and I am not pushing my beliefs onto anyone else. However, I’m not ranting about anything. If someone is really offensive with their diatribe, I just walk away or don’t hang out with them. I have friends who believe differently than I do, and nothing says people I’m friendly with have to believe the same as me. As long as we can all get along and be respectful of each other’s space and needs, that’s good enough.
It grinds my gears that there are still people out there who think I’m a government freeloader because I didn’t pay for my million dollar series of surgeries that I needed out of pocket when I was nineteen years old. That there are people who think we should basically flip the bird at people who were born sick, didn’t ask for their situation, can’t work, and are still somehow expected to be able to afford exorbitantly expensive medical treatment.
It grinds my gears that there are people who tell me “gee you’re lucky you’re physically ill instead of mentally ill because people are so much more understanding about physical illness” when I dated a man for 18 months who didn’t take my health problems seriously until I was hospitalized, because he knew someone else with the same diagnosis as me but a much less severe case.
It grinds my gears that people still say shit like “it happens for a reason” or “it’s all part of a plan” or “God won’t give you anything you can’t handle” or “What goes around comes around” when obviously that shit isn’t true unless you want to imply that every kid with cancer did something to deserve it, and those statements are making their parents feel like this.
Contrary drivers.
**Those drivers that slow down in no passing zones, then speed up when you could pass.
**The drivers that you come upon quickly with your cruise set at 60, and when you pull out to go around, they speed up so someone is in someone’s blindspot for miles.
**Drivers that get in the passing lane, then pace a slow moving semi-truck, believing they’re the safety patrol, regulating the speed of traffic.
There are others, but it’s too early in the morning to get my rant on.
I body does not have any gears.
People who stop to decide where they’re going in the middle of the doorway.
Drama queen, hypersensitive, snarky, moody, passive aggressive types. Gah!
I have been dealing with someone like this lately and I am very proud that I have had the emotional maturity to not verbally fillet them like a tuna steak, yet anyway. It might still happen. haha
I cannot stand moody people and I don’t give a shit what your reasons are, stay the hell away from me.
I don’t want to sound insensitive but what not only drives me nuts and can be deadly are old men, still thinking it’s 1945, pulling out onto a highway in an ancient pickup truck and driving 30mph when the speed limit is 60.
Men who sit all day long watching tv but, when behind the wheel of a car, drive like a maniac yelling profanity at other drivers. They become someone else.
People who, when faced with a box of cookies or fattening snack, can’t seem to stop eating them until they’re gone regardless of their BMI.
This latest trend against what has been termed “Cultural Appropriation.” It drives me nuts. I can understand stupid shit like the Frito Bandito, the idiotic Cleveland Indians logo, and the original Little Black Sambo being insulting to a certain segment of our society, but I have spent my life appropriating excellent ideas from other cultures and have promoted those ideas as solutions to some problems we have in our culture—in order to avoid having to re-invent the wheel in many cases. I don’t even consider the items mentioned above as CA, because no culture is actually appropriated, it’s misrepresentation based on bigotry. But many people seem to think this is cultural appropriation, or anytime someone takes an idea that originated from another culture (show me one idea that hasn’t, in one form or another, come from another culture), for good or bad, is cultural appropriation. I call bullshit on this.
I’ve read what CA actually is, and most people who bitch about it have it all wrong. It drives me fucking nuts and there are much bigger problems to solve that people could be putting their energy into.
There are other things, but this is the latest and, in my opinion, the most absurd.
@NerdyKeith For some reason the GQ function won’t work, so just consider that I’ve given you a GQ.
Bad drivers.
Unobservant people that seem to go outbof their way to be in yours.
That so much of health care is a racket. Ridiculous fees, very opaque pricing, I’m so sick of it. I don’t see where Obamacare helped much at all, which was my primary worry about Obamacare. I hope it was a step in the right direction, but until someone in charge really addresses the gouging in the system nothing will change.
People who are blatantly racist. I don’t mind when people generalize or stereotype, but I really mind when someone assumes something about an individual based on race or ethnicity before they even know the person. Everyone should be met as an individual.
Animal cruelty really gets my goat.
Yep, count me in on blatant racism and animal cruelty as well.
Also flakey people that don;t follow through with what they say they will, whether that is a return phone call, firming up a plan, etc. I strive hard to be a good communicator but can’t seem to shake the flakes. haha
@Aster I’m afraid I am one of those types, if you put a bag of cookies in front of me I will probably eat 17 of them. lol
Politically correct in all its forms! Thought police, word police, and an apparent ability to divine what a person’s intention is. None of us KNOW others’ intention. Unless and until they tell you.
@Coloma I have a box of Double Stuf Oreos on my desk. I ate 3 of them this morning and now am having iced tea. My s/o eats them at night; I can easily tell !
@Aster haha, funny you should mention Oreos, I bought some yesterday for the 1st time in forever. I have to not keep a lot of sweets around because I WILL eat them every day until they are gone. lol
@Espiritus_Corvus No worries, at least you tried. I appreciate it.
And just as side note to everyone else: fantastic insights and answers. Do any of you have any objections if I discuss any of these issues on YouTube? Wouldn’t be a word for word recitation of your answers. Just the bases of your particular grievance as a topic.
Silly phrases like “What grinds your gears”?
I have stuff that has me rolling my eyes & shaking my head but nowt that gets me properly angry, by definition, the shite is not worth my energy
@Pachy Lol I’ll let Seth McFarlane know
Are the topics that people listed above topics that cause people to ”go into a rant of passion?” That’s what the OP asked for, and that’s how I answered the question.
There are lots of topics that I can list that annoy me, like bad drivers, snarky people, etc. (as are listed above by others) but won’t cause me to go into a ”rant of passion.”
People who say they are against animal cruelty, but eat meat. Either you only think some animals are worthy of life and a cruelty free existence, or you don’t really give a fuck. I went vegan, finally, and I cannot say how great I feel that I no longer use my money to contribute to the torture and killing of innocent animals.
@tinyfaery Factory farms are torture chambers for animals but raising your own and giving them a quality life up until the end is not cruel. Animals eat other animals in nature and humans do the same, as long as the animal in question is provided with a great environment up until the end, without any cruel practices, I have no issue with that and don;t feel that discounts being an animal lover.
Where I live many people raise a few head of cattle in lush green pastures and they have a great life until the end.
The issue is cruelty not whether the actual act of eating some animal flesh is immoral, which I do not believe it is. I am lucky to live in an area where what modest amount of meat I consume is locally grown, pasture raised, cruelty free, free range lifestyle. My neighbors raise a couple beef steers every year and they are relishing being belly high in grass right now in a 10+ acre lush pasture with oak trees and a large pond. Sure, their day will come when the mobile butcher shows up, but their lives are high quality in the meanwhile and even then, they will be painlessly dispatched where they stand in familiar surroundings at home not forced onto trucks and transported under grievous conditions to some hideous feedlot slaughterhouse.
Nothing at all wrong with getting your meat the old fashioned way, the blame is in the mega factory farm industry not the modest consumer of home grown animal products raised ethically.
You can raise children with all the care and love in the world, and when they turn 10, you kill them and eat them, and because you raised them with love and care, that makes it OK.
No animal wants to be killed. Animals do not belong to us. Now STFU before I “grind my gears”.
When people don’t use the clutch before shifting me! ;-(
Nope, and the turkey, pheasant, deer, gazelle doesn’t want to be eaten by the fox, coyote, mountain lion or cheetah either, but such is nature and humans evolved to be omnivores. Nothing wrong with humanely raising and consuming some domestic animals, end of story and knock off the verbally abusive and insulting remarks. Just try and show a little emotional maturity., comprende?
First of all, appeal-to-nature fallacy. (lions also kill the cubs of rival lions)
Second of all, a lion is mentally incapable of choosing otherwise.
Humans have a choice, both mentally and practically.
Stupid automatic water faucets that WON’T fucking turn on. Why should I have to negotiate with an inanimate object to wash.my hands?
. Humans kill rivals that invade their territories too and not all lions kill their rivals offspring. Cecils cousin adopted his cubs and took over the pride after his death.
Yep, it is about choice but as omnivores the human animal has chosen to consume other animals and fishes to supplement whatever other food sources they have had throughout our evolution. The fallacy lies in claiming that to consume some animal flesh is wrong and /or immoral, it is not. Every culture eats animals of one sort or another and have been for eons.
Sport hunting and warehousing farm animals in inhumane conditions are morally and ethnically inappropriate and cruel but choosing to eat home grown meat is not. I think this horse is dead now.
” Every culture eats animals of one sort or another and have been for eons.”
argument from popularity fallacy.
“Every culture” also had forms of slavery, “every culture” saw women as inferior to men.
“Every culture” doing something does not make something moral or right.
“The fallacy lies in claiming that to consume some animal flesh is wrong and /or immoral, it is not.”
Inflicting unnecessary harm upon others is immoral. When I stab you in the face, even though you were no threat to me, that is immoral.
Humans do not need to consume animal flesh. They are perfectly capable of living on a purely vegetarian diet.
Therefore killing animals for food is morally wrong.
”Sport hunting and warehousing farm animals in inhumane conditions are morally and ethnically inappropriate”
You already claimed that inflicting death, the highest form of violence possible to be applied to a living being, is not immoral as long as you eat it afterwards.
How is “inhumane” non-lethal treatment prior to death different? It is not.
Buisness news randomly giving numbers rounded and not consistently. Also not getting help for esoteric symptoms. Also doctors and acedemic students with no knowledge of the real world just focused on studies. I REALLY DON’T LIKE doctors who show up 15 minutes or more late.( they needed to show up on time to get an education, so they know how to show up on time)
@ragingloli There are worse things than a quick and painless death. Living in filth, fear, misery, illness and neglect come to mind. I’m no stranger to being a vegetarian, I was one for many years back in the 70’s and early 80’s, but, yep, I do enjoy some meat on occasion. I also boycott factory farming, the down and pate industry and have farm animal pets that I would never eat, my geese for example. We also have happy free range hens and collect their eggs.
Your arguments are weak, attempting to compare killing children and slavery to humane farming practices. Many cultures such as native ameican tribes that fished, hunted and harvested deer, elk and buffalo for food and clothing would never have survived without the use of animals for food and clothing. same goes for many fishing communities.
Japan, Alaska, numerous islanders and European cultures. The Laplanders rely on caribou to survive, the Mongolians mares milk. don’t sling around bullshit about being vegetarian WHEN Growing fruits and vegetables are not possible in many parts of the world, now or in ancient times.
While we will never completely , eliminate animal product consumption we can fight for better conditions, that’s all we can do and I think my once or twice a month home grown, locally raised, meat consumption is far outweighed by all the animals I live with, care for, have lived with, rescued and cared for over the last 40 years, including many species of wild life. You live in the sausage capitol of the world too, fitting as you are certainly capable of being a brat-wurst. lol
my arguments are weak, huh.
funny, since you did not even have one.
@ragingloli Cultures that have depended on hunting and fishing for survival is one, and many still do. Animal protein is an absolute necessity for many humans survival in different parts of the world where there is no ability to grow vegan foods year round.
Death being preferable to a life of suffering is two and humans being omnivorous animals that have hunted, like all large predators, since the dawn of mankind is 3. All are factual argument.
The food chain is 4 with humans being at the pinnacle and hunting or farming animals for food is part of how the species has survived.
Not much, but a few things burn my bagel.
Well, I can add debating with elitists to my list now too. lol
And I can add debating with Ignoramuses.
^ Replaces “tap the collective” with…
@ragingloli Soooo, how do you refute human kinds long standing dependence on fish/animal protein and hides to aide in survival and provide food, clothing and shelter? Meat, fish, eggs, cheeses, and milk have been part of the human omnivores diet since the dawn of time. Don’t shoot the messenger. Sure, in first world countries people could become more vegetarian, and eating less animal products is a good idea, most people already know this, but, a large part of the world now and throughout history hasn’t had the luxury of going to Whole Foods for an $8.00 container of Hummus and vegan sandwich wraps.
There are many cultures that heavily depend on raising animals for much needed food, like it or not. The whole vegan elitist game is a crock of shit when it is used for self promoting egoic superiority in first world countries. If you don’t want to eat animal products then don’t but don’t insult those that do choose to consume some humanely raised animal products. Besides, every vegan/vegetarian has consumed animal products for a good portion of their lives so awesome, now you don’t, but being a born again vegan is just as bad and annoying as a reformed smoker.
How quickly one forgets their past and feels the need to chastise others for their choices. Pfft!
“Human kind’s long standing dependence” on animal protein is as much an argument for its morality as Human kind’s long standing dependence on slavery, forced and oppressed labour to uphold its standard of living, which, by the way, is still happening.
Give it up already. At no point in this thread have you supplied anything close to a convincing argument for the morality of killing animals for food.
@ragingloli Survival is the argument Forget about modern day humans that enjoy their inhumanely raised, factory farm T-Bone steaks and Chicken breasts.
Modern humans in developed countries do not need to eat animal products if they choose not to, but that is not a choice our ancestors and many others now, have the luxury of making. Consuming animal products due to survival needs as a species has nothing to do with morality, is it immoral for a lion to kill a Zebra? No, it is not, and it is not immoral for omnivorous human predators to consume other animals in order to survive. What’s immoral is the treatment we inflict on animals.
What part of all those cultures that have depended on animals to survive is not a convincing argument? What are Eskimos supposed to eat, ice bergs? Humans can choose whether or not to enslave other humans, or exploit them, but survival is not a choice. The convincing argument is that the human animal would never have evolved or developed a bigger brain or survived at all without consuming animal protein.
Nothing to give up, if you want to argue that entire tribes and cultures of humans should have just starved to death in the snow because eating the mastodon or Buffalo or Salmon would have been immoral, well…can’t argue with such nonsense. Anyway, enough, we have our differences on this subject and so they will remain.
”At no point in this thread have you supplied anything close to a convincing argument for the morality of killing animals for food.”
Um…because they’re delicious.
I’m very protective of my close friends and family. I will rant and rage if someone wrongs them.
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