General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why do doctors show up late for appointments?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25059points) May 13th, 2016

Should you get reembursed if your doctor shows up late? When a doctor is going to school then they have to show up on time. Where does it go bad? Why are doctors above reproach?

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Doctors factor in a small window for each patient. Any surprises in a visit can throw the schedule off. It could be someone complaining of an ache but in the office it is evidence of a cardiac problem, or another critical issue.

And, they may get interrupted with an emergency. My father went in last minute to see about his breathing, next thing you know an ambulance took him to intensive care.

We cut Doctors slack because they work long hours and weekends caring for people.

chyna's avatar

What @zenvelo said. But my doctor had kept me waiting over an hour for the last 3 visits. I noticed that the waiting room was full of people and I had the first appointment of the day. That told me that she was overbooking patients. I changed doctors. My time is valuable, too.

ibstubro's avatar

Too often I believe the answer is, “Because they can.”

I laugh every time I hear the politicians say we should be wise consumers with our medical dollars.
Like a doctor is going to give a shit if you give him a cussing after waiting 2 hours, and take your business elsewhere. It’s your health that will suffer.

Cruiser's avatar

When you receive free health care you get what you pay for.

flutherother's avatar

Doctors have to estimate how long appointments will take. They have to balance treating as many patients as they can with giving each the best possible care and attention. Allowing twice the time for consultations would reduce waiting times but cost twice as much and would be inefficient. A balance has to be struck. Having to wait is an indication that your doctor is listening to his patients and will give you the best treatment and advice that he can.

JLeslie's avatar

They are either overbooking, bad at time management, had an emergency squeezed in, or don’t give a shit and wander into work late. My sister is a nurse, and she says plenty of doctors wander into work late, or finish up their phone call with their girlfriend while patients wait. Or, kill their time doing whatever. Mostly, I think they just overbook though. They either overbook for the money, or overbook trying to be hopeful they actually will see patients in a timely manner, and already have a three month waiting list for appointments.

Dorothy68's avatar

Mоѕtlу it’ѕ a case оf poor organisation. Emergencies dо crop uр frоm timе tо time, but nоt thаt frequently. Also, thеу dо it bесаuѕе thеу саn gеt аwау with it, whiсh explains muсh аbоut whаt humans do.

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