General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is a good hobby for someone who knows about pop culture and a bit of science, business and science fiction?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) May 13th, 2016

For fun and little commitment. Fluther was my only answer, so that’s why I’m here. Where can I go deeper than Fluther.

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8 Answers

Mariah's avatar

Writing a novel.

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

bird watching

Cruiser's avatar

Volunteer for the Trump campaign…they need many creative souls like you. Might even qualify for a paid position.

zenvelo's avatar

Trivia Game Night!

cazzie's avatar

Pub Quizes were fun for me for a while. People liked having me on their team because I knew weird shit like the colour of hippo milk. (it’s pink btw). But I didn’t like the social aspect of it. I get really confused in adult, complex social situations where I don’t speak the language very well, so I liked the quiz (which was conducted in English at an ‘English Pub’) and then I would just leave… feeling a bit like a lonely hero.

LostInParadise's avatar

Take an online course. Not quite a hobby, but a worthwhile way of spending your time. There are many lecture based courses that you can take at your own pace.

zenzen's avatar

Collecting Star Wars objets d’arte.

RocketGuy's avatar

Go post on Quora…

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