What was the highlight of your week?
Asked by
Tbag (
May 14th, 2016
Been a while since I posted a question. Ah, I miss fluther! Anyways… tell me, what was the apotheosis of your week?
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62 Answers
At an industry conference, eight of us who have worked in our business in various capacities and relationships for the last 15 years got together over lunch. The guest of honor was my old boss who retired about nine years ago.
He is looking well for someone in his late seventies, and it was good to reconnect all around.
Hanging out with my daughter last weekend and a brief moment of feeling great yesterday when my allergies subsided. Sadly it didn’t last and I am back to the wicked headache zone this morning. lol
@Coloma Same boat here. I’m sure my headache can be fixed with a bottle of wine though.
An hour I spent down at the beach reading today. Saw colors in the clouds which I had never seen before – and that was without any wine! Felt totally at ease – a rarity!
@janbb I’m intrigued… what kind of colors are we talking about here?
It was something like these .
@janbb Could it be a flashback to the 70’s perhaps? lol
After thirteen years I’ve finally decided to go back to school, and enrolled in the local community college. I have some hoops and paperwork to jump through, but I’m hoping to start with the fall semester in August.
@Tbag Haha. have a few glass for me, at least it will make having a headache more fun.
@janbb Didn’t we talk about your LSD usage? I thought you were quitting.~
@Seek Wish you nothing but luck! ^^
@Tbag I love birds too, and have the bird of all birds, my darling almost 18 yr., old chinese goose ” Marwyn” I raised from a wee gosling. Best “dog” I have ever had. lol
Going to the Edison Ford winter home in Ft. Myers, FL. We also went to Revs (a car museum with extremely knowledgable docents) in Naples, FL. I saw the Gulf waters and white sand for three minutes while there also.
@JLeslie Have you ever been to see the Hemingway cats?
I’ve been to Key West, but never saw the cats.
@Coloma I’d love to see a picture of Marwyn!
Getting the stiches out in my face on Monday.
@Tbag Here he is in my avatar, enjoying his pool. He actually started life named “Marilyn”, but I then discovered he was a boy, hence the change to ” Marwyn.” I joke he is a trans-gander. lol
Kayaking in Sugarloaf Key in the Florida Keys. Beautiful.
@Seek: Congratulations!!!
I was asked (this week) to write a paper based on a talk I gave at MIT last week. The talk and the paper were both a complete surprise.
‘course now I gotta write the paper. 8^o
@cookieman Maybe to you they were surprises, but we here in the Lagoon know you are terrific.
The end of my finals. Now I’m enjoying my holiday.
Went to a do it yourself auto boneyard.
Found a car like mine with factory fit but huuuge and deep Rockford Fosgate speakers in flawless condition.
Easy, plug and play bass for $12 instead of $160.
@chyna: Aww, thank you. You are too sweet.
Mimishu1995: Well done!!
Our daughter had her spring chorus concert and her softball season started. She took two hits by separate pitchers and took it like a pro.
Having a glass of clean water. After the spring runoff.
I cheered myself up by cheering my friend up, when he was feeling down about being “ghosted” by his date. I had a pita sandwich, cookies, chips, and energy drinks delivered to him at home. Pretty cool that I could do that when I live 1,500 miles away from him.
My oldest came home from college for the summer! Yay! I get all my cars and lawn mower tuned up!
I taught a math lesson to an 8th grade class. It was the last lesson. It was sad, but I loved teaching them. I was also considered for a teaching position at a summer school program this week.
I’ve had a few high points this week.
One was listening to a lecture from an investigative journalist from the New York Times. He was a great speaker and I liked what he had to say. He was positive and informative.
The second was an interview I did with a human rights lawyer. He was amazing. I left the interview just saying ‘wow!’ He was so inspirational. So intelligent. I think I have a crush. So, so wonderful to talk to and at the end, he was telling me how great my work is! That was just the icing on the cake. The work he does is so important. I’m still going ‘wow!’
I’ve had a good week all round really. I did another great interview the other day too. A totally different type of person, but equally passionate about his work and doing things that will really benefit his community.
Weeks like this are why I love my job. I feel very privileged to speak to the people I interview.
I unexpectedly got the week off work and took the opportunity to visit my Dad that I haven’t visited in almost 2 years.
My turn! It had been the most stressful week I’ve ever had. One of those weeks straight from hell you know? Too busy, too frustrating and too many deadlines. Had two exams, one paper due and…. my parents getting a divorce. Only thing that cheered me up was submitting my Master’s thesis proposal, which got accepted today! I can start writing this summer. Yay!
All in all, the highlight of my week is reading about all your highlights of the week lol.
Leading my Girl Scouts Troop, of course., just like every other week.
@Tbag: I’m sorry about your parents, but congrats on the thesis approval.
Well….the lovely allergies have now morphed into my annual sinus infection, sooo, instead of a nice Sunday doing something fun I am going to urgent care for an antibiotic and spending an hour waiting in the freaking pharmacy for the Rx to be filled. Bah humbug! I knew I could no longer deny things when my head was pounding and I had chills last night that got me up to take a hot bath at 1 a.m. Some highlight! Pfft! *^$%#!!#$!!
@cookieman Thank you very much. Ironically… I’m having a cookie right now, cookieman.
@Tbag: No irony – I have that effect on people. ;^)
I knew my mom rented a van to move me on Wednesday (I don’t drive).
My plan was to pack for a few hours everyday so I would be ready. That didn’t happen. I woke up Wednesday morning at 10:15AM and ran to the store for a sixer of PBR tallboys and one of those little bottles of energy drinks.
I didn’t read the instructions. The energy drink thing was multiple doses. I chugged the whole thing.
My mom showed up at 12:30 and I had somehow managed to pack all my shit and get it loaded by 1:30PM.
I was so crushed by the end and coming down from the energy drink I decided to just get a hotel when we got to Eugene. I slept from around 4PM to 11AM at the hotel.
But now I am all settled in and things are lovely.
Sunday afternoon/evening, which I spent all alone in my apartment. I binge-watched Suits and read half a novel. I don’t usually have weekends off at the moment, so I really needed some time to relax. My plan is to do this again very soon.
Runner-up: Saturday evening, which I spent watching the Eurovision Song Contest (I know…!) with friends. I hadn’t seen the group for a while, and we’re very comfortable with each other.
The highlight of this week just came in the mail today.
My veterinarian that treated my 20 year old goose “Sonora”, before he had to be euthanized in Feb. just sent me a letter that they have made a donation to the companion animal memorial fund through UC Davis here in CA. about 50 miles from me. University of CA. at Davis is a premiere veterinary teaching hospital and were named the top veterinary school in the nation in 2015. ” Sonora” has a little plaque in the companion animal hall of fame now. :-)
Getting the stiches out of my hand. Am waiting for two bookshelfs that I ordered from Staples.
Bookshelfs here. Now I need help putting together without scratching the hard wood floor.
Friend helped put together bookshelf. I filled it with books and have some room for more.
OMG! My evil boss just gave her notice! Best day ever!
@chyna Yay! Welcome to the joy of outlasting someone!
Our daughter received the MVP for her scholastic bowl team at the Jr. High academic awards this evening. The coolest thing about the award is that her teammates chose who receives the MVP.
@dammitjanetfromvegas That speaks highly to the character of your daughter….congrats and I know you are proud of all hers and yours hard work in supporting her!
Got a report on Milo and he’s doing great according to Alison. (It’s been a kind of blah week up until now.)
@chyna: That’s the collective’s karma working for you there. Nice!!
@janbb – So good to hear. I came across Gail’s Flikr stream in my browser bookmarks just yesterday and had a misty moment to myself.
Tonight I got to jam with my oldest who bought me new guitar cords, strings and set up all the amps so they were wired and ready so all we had to do was power up. Best 2 hours of the week/month/year by far. So glad to have him home from college. :)
I like the swan best, but of course. Marwyn is a Chinese Swan Goose. :-)
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