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dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

What is the color of your front door?

Asked by dammitjanetfromvegas (4601points) May 14th, 2016

We have a white house with a red brick patio with black railing. The front door is painted red and I think it’s ugly.

Which color should I paint it?

I’d also like to hear about your home. Please tell.

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42 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

How about brown?

MilkyWay's avatar

Our house is all red brick, as are most homes in our area. Our front door is white, with some frosted glass. At the back we have some lovely french doors.
For your front door I would recommend black to go with the railing or brown. I imagined a red door with what you described and I agree, red isn’t the right colour.
Please let us know what you decide!

chyna's avatar

Funny you ask this now. I have been debating painting my door. It is a light wood, maybe maple. It is really dull looking. No window. I have a red brick home with white trim. I was wanting to paint it a red or burgundy color.

SavoirFaire's avatar

What color are the shutters? If they aren’t white, maybe the door could be repainted to match them? Alternatively, a natural wood color might be nice if the paint can be stripped off.

I grew up in a house with a red door, but the house itself was a blue-gray. Sort of like this.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

We have no shutters.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I live in a triplex, in an artsy neighbourhood. My apartment door is a deep red (sort of this colour), and the outside door is a deep blue (sort of this colour). The exterior of the building is brick, and the interior is probably (white) painted wallpaper.

Coloma's avatar

Paint it black or white or green, all nice choices. My old front door was white painted wood, this house is oak door with leaded glass panel. 1980’s style for sure. haha

Seek's avatar

White, with a window that I’ve glued black felt to to keep the sun out.

FWIW, there’s a lawyer’s office near my house that has a red door. People come from all around town to take pictures in front of that door because it’s just so perfect for photography.

Jerks put a big ugly sign on the door about a year ago. Now people just Photoshop it out. Haha.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

beige we have a reclaimed brick house

dappled_leaves's avatar

For red brick, I like blue and yellow doors. There are quite a lot of both in my neighbourhood.

I think a lot depends on the shade of red in the brick, and the style of your house, also.

Seek's avatar

My argument will be for a green door. But I’m a little obsessed with green. It just goes so well with everything.

elbanditoroso's avatar

House is grey, with dark blue (navy) shutters, and the door matches the shutters.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Here’s a pic of the front of the house

The front garden area will have mulch instead of being overgrown with weeds and grass.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

My house is pretty much the exact coloring of the picture @SavoirFaire posted. Just got a new front door and have yet to do anything with it. Was thinking about painting it red, though, since the color goes so well with the rest of the colors.

I think black or green would look the best, personally!

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

I’m killing time before SNL. I’m having fun imagining your homes. :)

dappled_leaves's avatar

Looking at your photo, I think it would suit just about any deep/bright colour except red, which clashes with the brick a bit. Blue, green, or yellow? Do you or your kids have a preference?

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

No preference yet, but I might have a soft spot for black.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Manly, yes, but I like it too.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My house is very similar to yours @dammitjanetfromvegas, except that I have a bigger door and no window and my house is painted pink. We have a brown door. I think your door can go with colors like brown and yellow. Green doesn’t seem to fit here.

janbb's avatar

Gray siding; royal blue front door and shutters.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Some of you have given me an idea for our bedroom. I’m liking the combination of grey and royal blue.

Cruiser's avatar

Hunter Green but that will change once we pick out the color for the rest of the house. Hate the green.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Mine is stained timber. It has a stained glass panel in it and two stained glass panels on either side of the door. I think I’d like to change it. Not sure what I’d change it to at this time.

janbb's avatar

@dammitjanetfromvegas It looks really good if I do say so myself.

syz's avatar

My house is pale yellow and I have a deep, rich blue door.

jca's avatar

My front door is white. I’m suggesting you paint your door white to match your house. It sounds like a lot of color with the red patio and the black railing, which is why I am suggesting the door be white.

dxs's avatar

I live in a brick building. My front door is beige.
I think a red front door looks cool.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@dammitjanetfromvegas Looking at the picture you posted, I think a black door would work quite nicely (especially with the white screen door).

jca's avatar

I just looked at the photo.

I have a new suggestion, or actually two new suggestions. Paint the door black and the base of the patio black, or paint the door red and the base of the patio red.

Buttonstc's avatar

A dark forest green would also look nice. Black is a bit stark. And from a distance if the green is dark enough it would look almost black.

cazzie's avatar

My doors are both white. Front one has a huge ass window in it so my view of the fjord isn’t interrupted, so I guess its colour is more ‘glass’ than anything else. The side door that we tend to use every day because it leads to the hall where we drop and hang jackets and boots, that is more white than glass. I can’t change the outward look of my house too much because I live in a connected, 4-house condo. Any changes are meant to be run by the home-owners group (which I’m currently leader of) but also, any outside maintenance is paid for out of a communal pot of money, so there are definite benefits, too.

I just checked if my house shows up on google street view and it does not. I’m in a blind subdivision and down a private drive (not marked private, mind you…) so the Google Car hasn’t been here.

ucme's avatar

The house in the pic looks similar to the tool shed of our gardener Frobisher, even has a red door
We have a gated/walled property & i’m afraid any further description of the estate would require an appointment with our HR team, riff-raff need not apply

JLeslie's avatar

My last house the front door was dark brown. The brown matched the garage doors and the corbels under the roofline.

Most of my houses have had white front doors. But, I did have one reddish brick house with a black door, and another house that was a brownish slurry over brick that had a medium brown stained wooden door.

For your house I think black or maybe a faux wood if you’re creative with paint. I didn’t see the photo though. Was there a link I missed? The style of house would matter for me regarding the door color. Black might be too extreme with a white house. It depends on the house. I like dark green also.

You could go to and search “white facade” probably and see a bunch of ideas.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I love That’s a great idea @JL.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

@JLeslie It’s a two story home built in 1920. All the homes on our street are 100 years old. I did share a link somewhere above. :)

JLeslie's avatar

I found the link now. I actually don’t mind the red. I don’t think I would do black after seeing the house. Green would blend in with the green lawns and trees, I still like the green idea.

When I lived in NC several people had a cranberry maroonish type of color. That might work, but maybe you don’t like anything in the red family? My husband would probably pick a shade of orange. He likes orange. The orange wouldn’t go well with the brick though.

Did you ask your daughter? Maybe you can let her pick it.

CuriosityKills's avatar

We’re in townhouses that require the trim to be brown, so brown it is.

You didn’t mention other trim colors on your home – do you have shutters? Is the roofing tile brown or black, etc? It’s hard to make a recommendation for your home without a visual of the whole thing. Otherwise, I think if you could match the door with the deeper red of the brick it would look better – the two tones seem to clash a bit.

tedibear's avatar

White or dark green.

Our house is blue with white shutters. It’s not a blue I like, but it’s not hideous. The front door is white with black trim around the windows.

jca's avatar

Whatever color you paint the door, I suggest you use the same color to paint the base of the patio. That way, there’ll be more uniformity with the colors and it will also freshen up that patio base, which I think can use some freshening up.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

I agree @jca. I was outside pulling weeds and planting flowers in front of the patio today and I was thinking the same thing.

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