General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What are the objections to Windows 10?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) May 18th, 2016

I recently saw several people mention reinstalling Windows 7 since they hated the new Windows 10 so much. These people are not advanced users. They are average users who are not doing specialty programming work with their machines.

They also don’t have specific complaints that they’ve been able to tell me. It’s all very general, and it baffles me. As a normal user myself, I find very little difference between the 2 operating systems.

I bought a new machine last year with Windows 10, and my favorite advance is that all my files are stored in the cloud. I can access them from any device with internet access. It’s very convenient.

What are identifiable complaints about Windows 10 that would make a user revert to Windows 7?

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27 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t have any. However, I did install a classic shell and that did away with all of the ad crap and click bait. It also made the format more like what I was used to.
I don’t have any complaints.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I consider myself an advanced user, and I have very few complaints with Windows 10. I skipped 8 altogether, so went from 7 to 10 very recently.

My biggest complaint is not being able to select which updates are to be installed and when. This used to be an option for all users, and now it is only available to those who have the more expensive Windows 10 Pro (as opposed to Home/Student). And also the patronizing messages that are flashed across the screen while updates are being installed and configured. I don’t know what they were thinking when they did this.

The other thing I’m having to get used to is that the touchpad on my new laptop only allows 2-finger scrolling, which I find much less precise. A lot of the control over the touchpad has been lost. I’m cheating and calling this a Windows 10 issue, since the drivers for the one-finger scroll version of the touchpad, which is available across laptop brands, are available but no longer compliant with the current version of Windows.

I second @Dutchess_III‘s recommendation of the classic shell. That has maked things easier to find, and it’s much more attractive.

And I guess some people might be annoyed with Edge, since most average users just use the browser that’s installed on the computer. I ignore it and use Firefox.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@dappled_leaves I have read about the issue with not being able to choose updates from other advanced users. That seems legitimate. I use Chrome; I’m fully enmeshed in Google’s Universe.

I don’t use a shell, but I’m having a hard time imagining what ads are on the computer. @Dutchess_III, are you talking about ads on the internet that appear in the browser? I don’t have any ads on my computer, but naturally, I see a ton of ads on the browser when I’m surfing the internet.

Rarebear's avatar

I haven’t used 10. I’ve heard it’s good, but I’m a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” kind of guy. I have all my astronomy programs working on my 7 machine so I’m going to keep 7 until they drag it away from me while I scream through bloodied fingernails.

That written I updated my wife’s machine and she could care less.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know exactly what they were @Hawaii_Jake. When you clicked on the start button it came up with all kinds of shit off to the right….about 9 squares of something trying to get your attention. Perhaps they were just trying to bring attention to different websites. It’s been several weeks since I switched so I don’t remember exactly what I saw.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thanks, @Dutchess_III. That’s what is left over from the Windows 8 debacle when all programs or apps as they are now called had an icon to click to access it. In Windows 8, those squares were the whole screen. In Windows 10, they confined them to a part of the start button, and they’ve given us back the home screen we all consider normal. Those squares were just another way to access the program, but if they were confusing (and I can understand how they could be very confusing), then I’m glad you found a way to get rid of them.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Well, in some ways they certainly were a form of advertising… offers to install various kinds of software, and links to specific media sites. I’m sure Microsoft gains something from that kind of in-your-face promotion.

Also, that interface was butt ugly.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s early, an OS is not something to early adopt. I upgraded to 10 on multiple PCs and there are still issues with updates and certain drivers I need. Getting deep into the OS to change system settings is clunky and awkward. Apple is not supporting it with bootcamp drivers on their older hardware. Frankly it’s just not ready for mission critical work yet. Windows 7 has proven to be a reliable platform and is still the best option for reliability if you are a Microsoft user. 10 will likely be that way but not until it’s done being beta tested. The new interface does lend itself well to a desktop with multiple monitors though. It’s just fine for average users but there is no real reason to upgrade, there is no performance benchmark increase.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Thank you. All that is excellent information, and I can understand that advanced users who get into the OS deeply have complaints. The people I referenced in the OP are beginners. They use their machines to surf the internet. I’m baffled why they would dislike 10 so much. I went from 7 to 10 and hardly noticed. I’m an intermediate user.

Soubresaut's avatar

I’m glad this is a question, because I’ve been wondering about it too. I skipped Vista (I knew from people who knew the coding that it was problematic and bloated), but have had XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10… and 10 is my favorite. But then, Windows 8 wasn’t such a jump for me. I’ve had Windows phones since almost their conception, and before them a Zune HD (which in some ways began the Metro shift) that I still use, and I kept up with blogs explaining the new features and layouts before they were released because I was excited about the Surface stylus… so neither 8 nor 10 felt unfamiliar-new when I first got it. Shiny-new, but not unfamiliar-new…

My only gripe is the auto-updates—Microsoft updates are usually pretty solid, and Microsoft has been pretty good about backwards compatibility, even with all the changes they’re undertaking, so I don’t mind it in that respect… but even when I turn off the “auto restart” (who thought suddenly blacking a screen out on a user was a good idea?) it will still update in the background, which means it drains my battery.

@Dutchess_III if you’re interested in trying out the Windows 10 menu again, here’s an article talking about the ways you can customize it so that the only things that would show up on it are things that are relevant for you. It’s got more customization options that the WIndows 7 start menu, which may or may not be useful, but does mean it takes a bit more time to fine tune… Admittedly, I switched off from it as well, so I get not using it—I actually prefer the Windows 8 full screen menu that most people despise even more, haha.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have no complaint either. I upgraded my computer from Windows 8. The computer seems to run faster and the settings and menu are more organized. And I like the fact that the computer start right away without the stupid menu screen. The menu screen has caused my computer to freeze so many times already. Have never used Windows 7, but I think Windows 10 is at least better than Windows 8.

And I didn’t know about the cloud feature. Can you tell me how to do that? It could be more convenient to store my files on the cloud than solely on my hard disks.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I have two pieces of advice.

Upgrade soon IF are running Windows 7 or 8, AND you would like to use Windows 10. The free upgrade ends July 29, 2016.

If you are happy with your computer now, don’t worry about it. Probably, like most people, you upgrade when you get a new computer.

I like Windows 10. It boots faster and uses less memory. But Windows 7 is really good, too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Soubresaut Yeah, I guess that was what it was, based on my old bookmarks. And that’s OK, except I really didn’t need them in my face like that! I know when I want them and where to find them.

I’m good for now.

JLeslie's avatar

We upgraded to 10, reverted, and then went back to 10 again. I asked Fluther first before is tried it a second time. I’m glad we decided to go to 10 again.

One thing I hate about 10 is on my laptop I don’t know what I do that I constantly change the size of the font. Drives me crazy.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Mimishu1995 And I didn’t know about the cloud feature. Can you tell me how to do that?

The cloud feature is called OneDrive. It’s like DropBox or Box drive or Google Drive if you are familiar with those.

You have to sign in to your computer with a Microsoft account

A folder on your computer will be labelled OneDrive, and files in there will be saved to the cloud.

Microsoft – OneDrive on your PC

SecondHandStoke's avatar

The fact that Windows 10 is forced upon the “average user” by means of an automatic update tells me all I need to know about it’s functionality.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys, you can control when the updates happen. Go to Start, and type Updates in the search bar, then look through the options.

I got a laptop a couple of months ago, and it really pissed me me off because I’d be in the middle of something for work, and it suddenly wanted to update…and the update would take 2 hours! So I put parameters around it. I think I set them for 3 a.m. or something.

I must have reset the parameters on my desk top too, because I have no problems with forced updates on it either.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III The kind of control users want and don’t have over the updates is not just about scheduling. It used to be possible to tell Windows not to automatically update, then to select from a list which updates we wanted to install. We could choose not to install certain updates at all if we wished. Now that kind of control is lost, unless the user has the Pro version.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What kind of updates would you want to reject?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The vast majority of users should not be asked about updates, the operating system should just do it, like it works on iPhones and Android phones.

A major upgrade like Win 7 to 10 should require acknowledgement, but the updates after that should be automatic.

The few people who know enough to stop that will figure it out.

I know plenty of people who go for years without installing security updates, because they are frustrated by computers and are frightened and confused by even the hint of a technical question.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III Just as an example, say you are using Internet Explorer, and a new version comes out. You may want to wait until you’ve heard from other people whether there are any bugs in it, or whether your preferences are not going to be saved, or whether it is more invasive of your privacy. You may choose to stick with the old version for any of these reasons. (Please don’t respond, as 99% of people who hear the dreaded words do, “I don’t use IE.” Obviously, that is not the point of the example.)

Same goes with the operating system, really. What if Microsoft decided that, instead of a countdown and a separate icon for installing Windows 10, that was made an automatic update? As the updates are set up now in Windows 10, if a Windows 11 comes along tomorrow, they could just install it for you without giving you any choice in the matter.

@Call_Me_Jay “The vast majority of users should not be asked about updates, the operating system should just do it, like it works on iPhones and Android phones.”

Yes, terrific – but the choice should be left up to all people who are competent users. It should not be a privilege that one has to pay extra for.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG I can’t believe…..never mind. ;)

I see. Thanks.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Congratulations, @dappled_leaves, I grant you the ability to control updates on Windows 10.

Confirming the Wushowhide technique for blocking forced Win10 updates

If someone can’t handle that, they aren’t qualified to pick and choose updates.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Oh good. I was just thinking we were due for a little condescension on this thread, and now you’ve provided it. Thanks.

I’ll check out the wushowhide solution. I’ve already tried the registry edit mentioned in the comments, and it didn’t work for me. That fix seems to be hit or miss.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Condescending was unintended, sorry.

I think the divide is legit – people who can deal with something like wushowhide will figure things out. People who find that too confusing or too hard should not be messing with updates.

The vast majority will happily go along using their computers without any need to manage the OS. Just like they do with their phones.

Soubresaut's avatar

Oh, no, I meant what @Dutchess_III was talking about—I don’t want to stop the updates (I’ve never had any issues with Microsoft updates), I just want the one thing I miss from Windows 7, the option to have my laptop update only when it’s plugged into power…. but I can’t seem to find that sort of option. I can defer the updates, which I don’t want, and I can keep the computer from automatically restarting, but I don’t seem to have the “choose when to update” (or I’m just not seeing it, which is likely.) It’s more of a minor annoyance, though. I’ve got a pretty good battery life, and updates aren’t that frequent.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

If you have downloaded deferred updates I think (I’m not sure) there would be an “Install Now” option when you click on Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update

Or Check for Updates if they aren’t already downloaded.

But I don’t know about scheduling the update in the future rather than manually doing it, I haven’t looked into it because the current process works OK for me.

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