Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever noticed that on many fundamental Christian's FB pages, their posts alternate between Jesus posts, and posts of hatred and intolerance?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 19th, 2016

There was a minor spat on Facebook about folate, and the problems too much folate can cause during pregnancy.

The ignorance was staggering. Out of curiosity I went to take a look at her page and sure as hell, first post was about Jesus, the next was promoting hatred of Muslim, and even their children, and American kids who wear saggy pants. Blew me away so I left.

But I was not surprised.

Not everyone is that way. I have plenty of Christian friends who act like I think Christians should act, but it seems like the more rabidly fundamental they are, the more hateful and unloving they are. Why is that?

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24 Answers

jca's avatar

I have some religious Christian friends (some are Jellies, former Jellies, people I know from FB groups and some are people I know in real life). They’re not full of hate. They’re just regular people. I don’t paint religious with a broad brush just the way I try not to paint any group with a broad brush.

kritiper's avatar

It just goes to show that religious hypocrites are the worst!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t paint it with a broad brush, @jca. Read the question again, and then read the last line in my details.

chyna's avatar

I have never noticed this. Apparently none of my facebook friends act this way.

canidmajor's avatar

I have some very fundamental Christian friends on FB and I have never seen them act this way.
I tend not to examine the pages of people I am not connected to.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Maybe they are really Bahá’í or Scientologist stuck in the wrong faith….

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I know plenty of Christians. 90% do not act this way. People who hate come from all walks of life, even athiest liberals.

chyna's avatar

@Dutchess_III Do you have any friends that post hatred and intolerance that are not Christians?

ibstubro's avatar

I have not.
I don’t associate with many people that identify with Christian Fundamentalist.
I do not have “FB”.
I would not read “Jesus Posts”.
I would not read posts of “hatred and intolerance.”

If thy post offends thee, pluck it out.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No. If I did, then I would unfollow their posts and keep them on my friends list so as not to see their posts in my news feed. There is a reason why they are FB friends. It doesn’t mean that I want to read their posted opinions on a daily basis.

Buttonstc's avatar

Has it ever occured to you that your shit-stirring and smugness can be as off-putting as that of the fundies? (and one in particular who’s been doing a bit of it lately)

For me personally , it’s a toss-up as to which is more smug and obnoxious.

But I’m guessing that has not occured to you.

BTW Have you also noticed the continual dearth of significant numbers of hateful intolerant Fundies here in the Flutherverse? That’s a good thing and most of us like it that way so we are not too inclined to eagerly click on imported reminders of such.

Why not leave the hate and intolerance on Facebook where it has a receptive audience? I, for one, already know how obnoxious the WBC and their ilk are. I really don’t need frequent reminders.

Yes, I get it. You at one time went to a fundy church and they done you wrong (what with their ignorance and such.)

How long are you going to keep carrying this grudge around and constantly reminding us about it? Don’t you think it might be healthier for you to just let it go already ? That was then. This is now.

And here’s a news flash: no grouo has a lock on ignorance. It is not the sole province of religious fundamentalists. There are just as many totally non-religious people with appalling levels of willful ignorance as well. Ignorance is ignorance regardless of where it’s found or which label the person carries.

JLeslie's avatar

Christians come in a variety like all groups.

I have Christian friends who are wonderful, loving people who don’t hate any groups, and never criticize people who have differing opinions. They might ask why the person thinks the way they do, but they are not antagonist. They post some political things sometimes, but not the real hateful stuff. Mostly they post family photos, pray for people when they see fit, and talk about what’s going on in their life in a general way like so many people do on Facebook.

Then, I have Christian “friends” just like you describe. On Facebook they post how they need prayers, or are giving prayers. The next post might be calling liberals idiots and worse. The next post might be a link about how Obama is a Muslim and Pelosi gets $800k in pension money every year. Then a post containing a quote from the bible.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Cut the fundamentalists some slack,and try to view the world from their perspective. It must be tough to exist in a land where the ground is being snatched from under you faster than you can react. Think about the frustration in being increasingly isolated from the mainstream and viewed overall as peculiar specimens from a bygone age.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Why wouldn’t you unfriend someone who is posting hateful and intolerant things? Their actions should have consequences. I don’t notice this on my Facebook at all, because I don’t tolerate that sort of behaviour. They are not the only ones with choices in such a situation.

Darth_Algar's avatar

*Note: she did not say the person in question was her friend.

ucme's avatar

Americans & religion, calm the fuck down already

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly I say somewhat the same thing. After living in the Bible Belt I can see their perspective more. I don’t completely defend it, because some of it is a false fear that is encouraged by clergy and politicians, but it is true their “freedoms” are less than they were years ago in some cases, and they are feeling squeezed. It’s also true it’s not hard to find people talking negatively about religion and the religious. But, as Trump would say, they started it.~ My response to they started it is, it doesn’t matter, that doesn’t make it ok for other people to do it to them, so personally not on board with that, but I do understand why it happens.

jca's avatar

I agree, @ucme.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

but it seems like the more rabidly fundamental they are, the more hateful and unloving they are.

I’ve seen this. I often look at the comments of a news article on facebook and the ignorance and hate that I read is astounding. I like to take a peak at their fb pages out of curiosity. It is hypocrital of them.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@stanleybmanly @JLeslie

Eh, these fundamentalists have always been a hateful bunch. This isn’t a new trend. I remember three and a half decades ago being shocked at the bile and hatred being spewed by these folks in the name of “Christ’s love”.

flutherother's avatar

Fundamentalism and intolerance always exist together and not only in the Christian world.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Darth Algar It’s true that the bile and hatred were always there, the difference is that sort of stuff was accepted back then as just another American peculiarity, sort of like the Amish. But nowadays tolerance of that nonsense has declined to the point that even major corporations slam adherents and entire communities of these people find themselves not only worked over in the courts but subjected to punishing economic consequences for their beliefs. It’s sad, even if it is long overdue.

ibstubro's avatar

Taking things “on faith” can be a cover for ignorance.
“Mysterious ways” covers hate equally as well as love.

Odd how that works.
What we believe in requires details TBA.
What we don’t believe in was spelled out, in detail, centuries ago.

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