How can the Clinton campaign explain that Bill Clinton now looks more like Hillary's father than her husband? [Links]?
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ibstubro (
May 22nd, 2016
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23 Answers
Um, distance and soft focus?
Hillary looks exactly her age, if you see her without flattering camera tricks.
If Hillary is elected and serves for two terms, they will look close in age, with or without makeup.
It can’t all be camera tricks, @Seek, or Bill would look a lot younger, too.
I don’t think it would take Hillary 2 terms, @LostInParadise. The Presidents usually drop the ‘spry young chicken’ routine sometime in the first term, probably after the 1st year. Only to be picked back up for re-election.
Presidential hair color, and the changing color thereof, have long been a fascination of mine.
I thought the color changing of the President’s hair could be explained mostly by time (a 50 year old man and a 58 year old man naturally look quite different) and the fact that they are no longer campaigning.
She wears makeup and he doesn’t. There are some pictures of her that I’ve seen that are really unflattering.
Bill had a major heart operation, and a drastic change in diet that led to him losing almost 100 lbs. That’s a serious physical strain on the body. Bill doesn’t dye his hair or wear cosmetics. He’s almost 70 years old. What do you want him to look like?
@Seek Pretty much where I was coming from. He’s lost a lot of weight and has to keep it off for his health. Being thinner can make you look better but it can also age you.
Hillary dyes her hair and has probably had some Botox or some little surgeries here and there.
Her face looks very similar to my 67 year old mother in law. I don’t see the issue.
The man’s 70 years-old, has had health issues and held the most stressful job on the planet for 8 years. Is there a need to explain why he looks old?
No, @Seek, @janbb & @Darth_Algar. I don’t think Bill looks especially old for his age.
As a matter of fact, to me, he looks only slightly older than Hillary Clinton did during her tenure as SOS.
Hillary’s had some significant “work” done over the years, while Bill appears to be untouched.
Bill’s had quadruple bypass surgery, surgery for a partially collapsed lung, and subsequent cardiac procedures. Grave illnesses and traumatic, invasive surgery take their toll.
@Love_my_doggie Do you know for a fact she has? Because, if so, it’s really bad workmanship. She still has bags and sags and wrinkles. Hillary
Bill doesn’t dye his hair, and he’s a little on the thin side. It ages him.
About Bill Clinton’s health: as far as I know Bill has no effects from his heart disease currently, except to say that I do think bypass surgery takes a toll on the body. Most people after bypass and after stents are like new, or very very close to like new, again if they haven’t had damage to the heart muscle. As far as I remember Bill did not have a heart attack, but my memory could be wrong.
@JLeslie – From Wikipedia: (emphasis mine).
On September 2, 2004, while campaigning for Kerry, Clinton had an episode of angina and was evaluated at Northern Westchester Hospital. It was determined he did not suffer a coronary infarction, and he was sent home, returning the following day for angiography, which disclosed multiple vessel coronary artery disease. He was transferred to Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, where he underwent a successful on-pump quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery on September 6, 2004. The medical team stated, had he not had surgery, he would have likely suffered a massive heart attack within a few months.[30] As a complication of his heart surgery, Clinton underwent a follow-up surgery on March 10, 2005 for a left pleural effusion, removing scar tissue and fluid from his left chest cavity.[31]
On February 11, 2010, he was rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City after complaining of chest pains, and had two coronary stents implanted in his heart.[32][33][34][35] He has since recovered and become a vegan.[36]
The biggest lasting effect is a switch to veganism. He’s not a small man, and I can’t imagine it’s easy for him to take in enough vegan food to gain weight.
Once a coronary disease case, always a coronary disease case
@Seek My dad’s situation us extremely similar. My dad isn’t 100% vegan. He was for about two years after his bypass surgery, and was thinner then, but never skinny. My dad has always been a fat adult though, and Bill Clinton wasn’t fat to begin with. Now, my dad cheats more often, but still adheres pretty well to the vegan diet. The thing about being vegan is people can still eat tons of fat and calories. My dad was doing the “Ornish” diet initially after the surgery. He was part of a study I think?
My dad did seem to age quickly after the surgery, but then he kind of plateaued. It partly might just be the age he had the surgery. He was 46, and late 40’s is when a lot of us start going grey a little, and we start to look and feel older.
In his 60’s he had to have one carotid artery tied off and in his early 70’s he had one stent put in. He also had a DVT in his early 70’s. He’s fine. He just has to take heparin if he flies to China, and can’t quite walk as long or fast as he used without needing a rest. That means after an hour of walking on a flat surface he might need a break. Uphill is more tricky. Uphill, he would want to stop every 10 minutes, or go very slowly. But, so do most people who aren’t in great shape.
My sister has been very strict vegan for over 20 years. She’s average weight I would say. Not skinny. She is the only family member to have very normal cholesterol levels without some sort of medication.
My Dad had a quadrupal bypass at age 70. he looked like death warmed over for a month or so after but then looked quite healthy and lived another 19 years. He watched his salt, etc. but did not follow a strict diet.
Another difference between Bill and Hill is that Bill has no makeup on and has a spotty face, probably from sun damage. Hill has makeup on all the time, I’m betting all over her face (foundation) and probably also uses sunscreen constantly and/or has makeup with sunscreen in it. Therefore her complexion is even toned, whereas his is red and blotchy.
Since she is the candidate and a woman, it is hardly surprising that Hillary is trying to look her best on the campaign trail. I’m not sure what the OP’s question is about here.
What is it about?
At first, I thought the OP was going to link photos of Hillary’s dad. I was shocked the Q was about Bill just looking older than Hillary.
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