General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Each of us is different. Are we all special?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33670points) May 26th, 2016

What’s the difference?

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17 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

Pretty much! That’s just about right.

idream3r's avatar

We are all special in our own way. We have something different to offer. People may have the same the talent or skill, however we have our own unique way of doing it.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Each of us is unique.

We are all sovereign.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In our own unique way,yes.

thorninmud's avatar

Difference is an objective determination; it’s the basis for distinguishing one individual from another.

“Special”, as it’s commonly used, is a subjective evaluation; it’s a way of feeling (typically positive) about individuals.

I can recognize that person A is different from person B (otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to make such a distinction), but unless I consult my feelings about them, it wouldn’t occur to me to think of either as “special”.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

We are all different but the same

syz's avatar

Nah. We’re just another animal.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think @thorninmud really got to the question I was asking. Yes, we’re all different, but it is the ‘specialness’ which is an objective determination. One can be different but not special.

This was triggered by words like “special education” and “special needs”, as used in schools and related service professions.

“special ed” isn’t really ‘special’ to me, it aims at teaching in a different way to a child with different needs, but I have hard time making the leap to ‘special’ education from there.

MilkyWay's avatar

I agree with Tyler
Different versions of the same species. Individuals but not in any way special. Some may be unusual which in my opinion is the word that should be used instead of ”special” or just simply “different”.

tinyfaery's avatar

You are a unique individual just like everybody else.

Zaku's avatar


Though, some people are special in not so great ways. There are special/different varieties of abusers, powermongers, thieves, killers, trolls and corporate tools, too.

(more information)

stanleybmanly's avatar

I disagree with those who don’t believe unique equivalent to special.

Bill1939's avatar

We each live in our own unique mental universe built on a lattice of instinct filled with experiences shaped by our individual perspectives of the place and time of our existence. Though genetics establishes talents common to many that have the potential for development, the uniqueness of our universes determines which among them are felt as important. Coupled with the limits and opportunities that an external reality provides, the ways that the expression of our talents effects others makes us special.

ragingloli's avatar

Everyone is awful.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ragingloli – i can’t decide if you are a caricature, or psycho.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

I can’t believe no one linked Life of Brian

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