Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why does MADD Canada say to take a taxi when you drink, when taxis don't want them?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25199points) May 27th, 2016

Cab drivers don’t want drunk rides. So why does MADD Canada say to take a cab if you drink? MADD is mothers against drunk driving.

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It is because MADD doesn’t want you to even think about the possibility of driving after having anything to drink. Taxi drivers be damned, if they don’t like driving drunks home, they can turn in their medallion and give up government regulated fares.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Who says cabbies don’t want drunk riders?

I am sure they don’t want abusive drunks, but drunks who behave? Why not?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I saw on tv news that a cab driver in the states refused a fare who was drunk, and the guy struck him serveal times in the head for refusing to take him home . I would assume that the taxi drivers don’t want more of that? I talked to my cab driver today and he agrees that he doesn’t want to taxi drive anyone drunk.

CWOTUS's avatar

There are drunks and there are drunks.

No one wants to give a ride to a sloppy, abusive, potentially incontinent or nauseated drunk.

On the other hand, no cabbie could make much of a living if they were to administer a sobriety test to every fare and turn down those who register “unfit to drive”, but who exhibit no signs of being the least bit out of control.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve gotten a taxi when I was drunk. Not because I was drunk, but because we took a taxi to our destination and had to take a taxi back. The driver and my husband hit off like gang busters. We had fun.

@RedDeerGuy1 He refused the guy because he was acting like a belligerent asshole. The fact that the guy then hit him just proves it.

kritiper's avatar

I can see the safety aspect of it. I can also see why cab drivers don’t want drunks puking in their cabs.

Jak's avatar

You can’t make a sweeping statement about all cab drivers based on a survey of one. Especially an incomplete anecdotal survey. Well, you can, obviously, but not while retaining any credibility.

Buttonstc's avatar

There are different kinds of drunks. There are the happy mellow types and there are also the angry , abusive, potentially violent ones.

Obviously no cab driver in his right mind wants the second type as a passenger.

But if someone is friendly and/or humorous, even if they can’t really walk a straight line, most cabbies will get them safely home.

To make a blanket statement that cab drivers won’t deal with drunks at all is just ridiculous and the question obviously not well thought out.

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