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Pandora's avatar

Is it possible that Trump suffers from the onset of Alzheimer disease?

Asked by Pandora (32735points) May 27th, 2016

No one has ever been more covered than Donald Trump. Everyday the media will show a clip of something he said that day and the next day it is something different. His constant outrages verbal attacks on twitter are that of a petulant child. When confronted with something he once said, his start up on denial, is always; “Did I say that?”. Or I don’t recall. His language skills are poor for an educated businessman, and he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. He also repeats conspiracy theories from the National Enquirer and thinks it is a honest news paper.

I was thinking of two people who I knew once, who were diagnosed with Alzheimer and his behavior is exactly like them. So I did some sleuthing and found his father died of Alzheimer.

So how can the public know for sure he isn’t suffering from Alzheimer ?

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13 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Pandora, you have a more generous soul than I do. I simply see Trump as deceptive and manipulative.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Congratulations on the one explanation accounting for it all! Now to set about solving the dementia afficting his followers.

Pandora's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Oh, I’m not saying he isn’t an a hole naturally. I just wonder if the media is falling for all this, thinking he’s a genius at marketing when he just be actually mentally ill.
It would make more sense to me.
@stanleybmanly I just asked a question about cats and posted an article about the effects T gondii. Some of his followers may be just prejudice a holes and others may be cat people who have too much cat poop around their home or played with cat poop as young children.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It would be poetic if an actual parasite is responsible for the Don’s behavior and success.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But that’s a good little politician take credit for everything your public likes and be in total denial for everything they dislike.
Both sides have done it since the beginning of time.

Pandora's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m not following you. You need to clarify your answer. All politicians lie. But erratic behavior is another issue that you don’t see in politicians unless they are heavy drinkers or into drugs. I has long been known that Donald Trump isn’t really a drinker and hates drugs since he had a brother who died from this issue. I’m not trying to make light of mental illness either. But a good portion of the public is struggling to understand his behavior. Everyone in the media keep saying that he does what he does because he isn’t a politician. But what if they are wrong? What if he does what he does, because he is mentally ill and becomes a man that can fire missiles at other nations or even turn it on our nation because he suffers from a bout of paranoia. I have to also wonder, why hasn’t the media bought this up? There are test to see if he has the genetic marker for it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Pandora Trumps family would have sued for guardianship, and stabbed him in the back, by now. If true.

Pandora's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 True, but maybe they wonder, but are afraid to ask and be wrong, and get kicked out of the will. As for his brothers family who he cheated out of an inheritance, I’m sure they don’t keep in touch so they wouldn’t know.

Zaku's avatar

Shades of Reagan… I wonder if there is something about fading minds that appeals to certain types of voters?

JLeslie's avatar

Interesting theory. Seems plausible.

Pandora's avatar

@Zaku I forgot about that. There was some thought that maybe Reagan may have had it during his Presidency.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s possible. I’m of the mindset he suffers from illusions of grandeur and diarrhea of the mouth. It’s very disappointing to me that so many people think he has what it takes to lead this country in such difficult times…
Anytime I try and have any faith in humanity someone like him comes along and the sheep just follow them to the slaughter.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yesterday, a federal judge released court documents related to Trump University and questionable sales techniques. Trump successfully preempted the news coverage by holding a combative press conference, insulting reporters, and full-frontal assaulting the media. The diversion tactic worked; Trump University got moved to page A4.

Alzheimer’s disease? I don’t think so.

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