Social Question

Trump hair: is this going to become a phenomenon?
Donald Trump can’t help knowing that his hairstyle and color have been endlessly remarked on, mocked, and parodied. It’s his most recognizable feature in cartoons and caricatures. It’s the subject of ongoing incredulous speculation. As unaware as he seems, he simply can’t be.
I thought that was just idiosyncratic foolishness until today.
Today in a parking lot I saw a guy wearing Trump hair. It was dyed the same lurid yellow and sculpted with the extra thickness in back and the overhanging awning in front.
And a horrid thought struck me: it’s branding. It’s marketing. And people like that guy in the pickup truck can make a statement just like this with their hair, without T-shirts or bumper stickers or banners or slogans and without saying a word. Damn. Men and women can both do it. And there’s plenty of time between now and November to grow enough hair to make it work.
What can anyone say if people start coming to work with Trump hair? What do I do if my dentist or my tax guy shows up with Trump hair? Will people with Trump hair be barred from polling places that don’t allow political signs within x feet of the location?
Hair hasn’t been this potentially political since Angela Davis.
Tell me: is this something you’ve seen in your area? Are people really doing this? Are the media picking up on it? Or is this just one isolated guy—and a paranoid fantasy of my own that we can all forget about by tomorrow?
Tags as I wrote them: politics, Trump, hair, 2016 election, presidential race.