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Pandora's avatar

What do you think is the possibility that Gary Johnson may be our next President?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) May 29th, 2016

I just heard on the radio today that Gary Johnson will be on the ballot for the General Election.
With all the dissatisfaction between Trump and Hillary, what are the chances that with as high as Trump and Hillary’s disliked polls are, that these voters may jump on the Gary Johnson band wagon?

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14 Answers

Zaku's avatar

In how many states is Johnson going to be on the ballot?

I don’t think the odds are very high at all.

Pandora's avatar

On the radio they said he will be on all 50 states. I’m just wondering about Hillarys and Trumps unfavorables are extremely high, so it would suggest that these people may prefer a 3rd option.
Everytime they do polling and ask people voting for either candidate a good portion says they will vote for their candidate simply because they dislike the other candidate more.
Now the thought is that some will go to Bernie, but it doesn’t seem they care for him in either camp voting Trump or Hillary. So I figure, once Bernie is out, his followers or those on the fence about him may vote libertarian to screw both sides. And some that are already on board with their party member but not really liking their candidate may go libertarian.

Pandora's avatar

Click on the link above then you will know who.

kritiper's avatar

Never heard of him. But I’d say the odds that an equal number of voters on both sides would/could vote for him, so the end result of the election would remain the same.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The odds against Johnson or anyone else outside the 2 party system are staggering. The game is rigged to keep it that way. This is why both Trump and Sanders chose to play by the rules, though each of them are despised by their own supposed parties.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


Here’s a better question:
Would you, or anyone you know of, bet a month’s pay that he will win?

I always ask this question of myself because risking money is the best test of confidence in any situation.

ragingloli's avatar

Is that the “Vermin Supreme” guy?

Buttonstc's avatar

I don’t think that a president Gary Johnson is a realistic possibility at all.

Seek's avatar

Oh look, one more person not to vote for.

Ugh, libertarians.

ucme's avatar

Is Santa Claus free?
How about The Grinch or maybe even Satan?
Sad & a desperate cry for help no matter what the source

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

@Seek: “Ugh, libertarians.”


stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s all pretty depressing. Back when I first began paying attention to politics, it never occurred to me that I would grow old in a country with a political environment equivalent to carnival level show business.

YARNLADY's avatar

I highly doubt that an “unknown” candidate could win. The choices we apparently have (Trump vs Clinton) are bad enough without any other guesses.

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