General Question

janbb's avatar

How do I raise the volume on my ipad mini?

Asked by janbb (63360points) May 30th, 2016

FB videos are playing really low. I don’t see anywhere in settings to raise it.

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5 Answers

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Mariah's avatar

There should be a button on the side of it somewhere that is kind of long, and if you push one side the volume goes down and the other side makes volume go up.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Are you saying it doesn’t work? Have you tried?

OK, fine.

I don’t use an iPad, but one thing I find on my phone & computer is that there are two volume controls – 1) the overall sound controlled by the switch on the side of the phone and 2) an on screen slider in the application.

janbb's avatar

@Mariah Thanks! Found it!

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