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Dutchess_III's avatar

Am I a bad "parent" if I don't see my dog eating a mushroom?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 1st, 2016

I got this email from a friend of mine. I replied, “Thanks for the heads up,” but inside I’m going, “How the hell would I know if my dog ate a mushroom?” Obviously I need to check the yard, especially with all of this rain we’ve been having, but if I miss one, and I don’t see, or know that my dog ate it, does that make me a careless, irresponsible “parent?” Should I be keeping an eye on my dog 24/7?

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16 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I try, but I fail. Dogs are lightning-quick when it comes to ingesting things. Once, our dog showed signs of poisoning (buckets of drool running down his chest). We took him to the vet where they administered an emetic and charcoal. Then the vet came out and said, “When we examined his stomach contents, there was a mushroom and parts of a dead mouse. Either one could have been poisonous.”

Coloma's avatar

Animals are like kids, you can;t watch them every, single, second of the day. The dog here likes to eat the horse shit around the barn and is always barfing horse shit. haha
It is what it is.

trolltoll's avatar

Not at all. You can be the most responsible pet owner in the world and there will still be things outside your control. If you’re really worried about it, it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the warning signs of mushroom ingestion.

@Coloma my dog liked to eat cat poop.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Are you really gonna be guilt tripped into becoming one of those smothering overprotective moms?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma and @trolltoll when our cat, Vanta, was a kitten I had a litterbox for her. I never had to scoop it out. I couldn’t figure out how to make it accessible to the kitten but not the dog. (It was a temporary thing until she was a little older and could be trained to go outside and I didn’t want to buy a special box.) It was disgusting, but convenient.

Of course not @stanleybmanly. The tone of the article was…rather unreasonable, I thought. Not a bad message but the suggestion that you should KNOW if your dog is eating ‘schrooms was a bit far fetched.
If she starts hallucinating that she’s a cat, that could be another sign.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And if she gets really happy you should probably set about harvesting your yard!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Maybe I should plant cannabis and see if it heals her arthritic old hip joints!

trolltoll's avatar

“Disgusting but convenient” pretty much describes pet ownership in a nutshell.

ucme's avatar

You would have to have eyes up your arse to catch everything a dawg munches on when out for walkies, including feasting on Fungus the Bogeyman

longgone's avatar

The tone of the article is unreasonable for dog owners in your situation. It wouldn’t sound unreasonable to me, at all, because my dogs can’t go out by themselves. My yard is unfenced and right next to a street, so I’m with them when we hang out there. If they were eating mushrooms, chances are I’d know. I have to keep an eye out for the things they’d like to eat because we’ve been dealing with people leaving out hamburger meat with razor blades inside. Yeah.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Jesus @longgone. That’s horrible.

longgone's avatar

^ I know.

trolltoll's avatar

people are scum.

Coloma's avatar

@trolltoll and @Dutchess_III OMG yes!
My old dog would come slinking downstairs with kitty litter stuck to his nose after pilfering the Fancy feast recycles. Gah! He KNEW because he always looked incredibly guilty.

We’d say ” Ruckus, were you eating cat poop again and he cower and slink away, you know how dogs think if they slink that somehow you can’t really see them? haha

trolltoll's avatar

that is so nasty and cute!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My yorkie barfed up a massive, whole, intact spider once. My chihuahua loved the cat poo. Dogs will be dogs

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