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Who wants to play the "What's in a name?", advertising icons game?
Yesterday, I came across something with the word “Madge” written on it.
Madge! I hadn’t thought of her for years! I know she was an icon of advertising in the 1970’s, but I only have a vague notion of what she peddled.
Okay, the rules are that you want to give or try to elicit a person’s name that is forever linked in the (American, okay, sorry) public’s mind with a product.
Ideally, the hint would be so ingrained that we wouldn’t need a hint, but hints are allowed.
Mr. Whipple
Alt: Mr. Whipple 1970’s
Alt: Mr. Whipple old softie!
Alt: Mr. Whipple Ex _squeeze me!_
Answer: “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin!”
“Cross my heart”
Alt: Cross my heart, Playful Actress
Alt: Cross my heart 1970’s
Answer: Jane Russell, Playtex Cross Your Heart Bra
The point of the game is to have fun, not necessarily to try and stump people.
A successful stump means the game dead-ends?
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