How do you say goodbye to somebody who has been your Muse for something like three years?
I became friends with this guy at work about 3 years ago and I have always felt this connection with him. I really look up to him and respect him and there’ve been so many times that I have looked to him and how he deals with things as an example of how I should handle things. And I found out today that he’s leaving in about 10 days and I just feel like there is going to be this hole in my life. I really I’m at a loss about how to make peace with this news.
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12 Answers
Use your muse to send off your friend in style.
You can still be connected with him through social media..there are so many ways to do that and draw inspiration from him.
Cry. Hug him goodbye. Take him out to lunch to thank him. And make sure you have all his contact info so you can say in touch.
Then, on the last day, say goodbye and wish him well.
People will enter and leave your life fairly often as you age.
@imrainmaker… he’s not much of a social media guy I’m afraid.
Well…like @zenavalo said people come and go from your life and you have to deal with it. Time is the best medicine to deal with it. So just use these 10 more days that you can have with him and grab as much possible as you greedy..) don’t waste your time in crying n all..
This means that you graduated and can now move on.
Tell him how much his mentoring has meant to you.
Not sure how I’m going to do with the not crying thing…
Write him a heartfelt letter expressing all of what you’ve written here. I guarantee you, it will be cherished by him (Most especially since he’s not a social media type.) He’s a person who will truly appreciate the effort of an actual handwritten letter.
And, btw, yes, I do mean actually handwritten, not just written in your computer and then printed off. If you don’t have any stationery, then just use a plain sheet of paper.
The point is not so much what it’s written on, but that it is actually written by hand. Trust me on this, he will definitely appreciate the effort. Many people your own age might not think it that special, but he will and will recognize the effort you put into this.
If you find a nice card in addition that would be great too, but the important thing is getting your thoughts about him and how much he has meant to you down on paper in a tangible way. You won’t regret it.
And then, when that last day comes, even if you do cry, bid him a fond goodbye and wish him well.
One of the only things certain about life is that change is inevitable. But that’s how we grow. Perhaps one day you may encounter someone to fulfill his role or perhaps you may one day pass it on and mentor someone else.
I like that idea. I think I just really want to try not to cry, at least in front of him, because I saw him today and he was just so much happier than he has been. And it really made me realize how happy he is to have found another job. And I think even from some things he said to me today in an instant message, I think he wants me to see this as a good thing. I already told him in an e-mail yesterday how sad I was that he was leaving even though I was really happy for him and I think he probably is having some problems with the thought of having to say goodbye to some of his friends including me and so I don’t want to make it harder on him.
So here’s an update. My friend’s last day is not until next week but I happened to go over and see him at the building where he works today. We were talking about various things and I was telling him that I was going to come by and see him next week on his last day and then he was talking about how he had told various people how hr didn’t really want them to throw him a party or do anything for him. And I know he’s the kind of person that doesn’t like a big fuss made over him so that really made me think because I was thinking about getting him a card and writing something nice in there but now I’m wondering if he maybe wouldn’t want me to do that. So I’m back to asking advice to anybody who cares to give it. I mean I’m going to go over to see him and I will have the opportunity to express how much his friendship has meant to me but maybe it would be redundant to get him a card too? And furthermore if he doesn’t want any kind of fuss made over him maybe it’s not a good idea? I really don’t know why I’m stressing about it so much. I’m just trying to respect his wishes.
@Lonelyheart807 Putting your feelings in writing so he can keep it and read it later is not making a fuss. Perhaps a letter instead of a card?
There’s an essential difference between the hubbub involved with a gathering of a lot of people, refreshments, and people making speeches, etc etc.
If you just give him a sincere handwritten letter, that’s much more in keeping with the wishes of this obviously private man. It’s low key and sincere and I’m sure he will keep it as a treasured keepsake for years.
I don’t think you’ll regret it. Adding a card in addition would be a nice touch but certainly not necessary. It’s the effort involved in a personal letter which will be precious.
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