Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you believe in the existance of UFOs, (the kind carrying life forms from another point in space) or that life forms from another point in space may have made it to earth at any time?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) June 6th, 2016

This was prompted by another question about UFOs. I didn’t read the whole thread, but I got the impression that the OP got the impression that many of us do. I find this highly unlikely within the the Fluther community.

So, do ya?

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I assure you that my craft is quite identifiable.

Zaku's avatar

I believe they may have.

There are no specific accounts I believe are likely to be actual alien visitors. However I’m also not convinced that some of them were not.

I believe the skeptical arguments became as counter-productive as the crazy assertions at some point in the 1950–60’s, making it difficult to sort out hoaxes, delusions, and overzealous debunking from honest reporting. Before that happened, there were several reports I’ve heard which seem interesting from people who seem to have just been trying to explain bizarre experiences they had, including pilots and so on, and there were no annoying faith wars going on. Then the government seems to have become concerned about hysteria or something, and the news media and the public followed suit, and now it’s hard to have an unbiased conversation, and even harder to find unbiased untainted evidence or studies.

canidmajor's avatar

I think, considering the size and age of the universe, that it is unlikely that two species of similar developing technology and intelligence on different planets would co-exist within visiting range at the same time. Maybe we were visited 100 million years ago by an intelligent, star-spanning species that no longer exists, who took samples of dinosaurs home to study.
Then again, maybe not.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Considering the sheer size of the Universe (there are hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of solar systems) I think it is almost certain that there is life at least as advanced as us out there somewhere. I think it is likely that there is life out there more advanced than us. Possibly even capable of interstellar travel. However considering the sheer size of the Universe, that is to say the sheer distances between stars, I think extremely improbable that such life has ever come even close to our solar system, let alone to visiting our planet.

kritiper's avatar

At one time I thought that if there was a “god,” he was an extraterrestrial (similar to ourselves in form) who came to Earth and created Man through something like genetics, gene splicing, cross-breeding. With him as one side of the gene pool, the contributor of the material to be crossed with the most human-like ape that was here. To me, it sort of explained the missing link thing. (We all now know there aren’t any missing links.) But it was a fun idea at the time…

Setanta's avatar


Your assumption is unwarranted. I started my thread believing i could get a good discussion, and did not assume that most people here think that.

ucme's avatar

They visited briefly when dinosaurs roamed the earth, screamed, shat their pants & zoomed off weeping like a jilted crack whore on prom night

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s hard to get a good discussion on something like that, unless people did believe that. It’s like asking to have an intelligent discussion on unicorns or something.

Setanta's avatar

Surely you’re not doubting the existence of my pet unicorn, Mavis?

syz's avatar


While I have little doubt that life exists elsewhere (the sheer numbers makes the probability pretty high), it would require that they 1) were able to travel over potentially incomprehensible distances 2) happened to exist and visit during our tiny window of existence (assuming you are referring to UFO sightings) and 3) would have any interest in/reason for visiting.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sure but after seeing how screwed up the human race is, they left and never looked back.

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