Social Question

Why still wear a bra when facts show they provide no benefit against ptosis in most women?
Let’s see what spin we can have on this even though here facts are loved for they prove, or disprove something. For decades now women have been bamboozled that wearing of bras will prevent ptosis (sagging for those new to the term) in later years of life (even though one never sees an older women with the breast of a 21 year old even after 30–40 years of bra wearing, that alone should have been a giveaway), even to the point of having to train teens to wear them for they truly had very little of anything to support in most cases. Recent facts over the years say ptosis is more due to yoyo dieting and weight gain and loss, smoking, over tanning, etc. and has nothing to do with if you had a bra on or not. Which would mean every 3rd world nation where a bra was a luxury should have breast to her belly button by age 35 (never happened, another giveaway) because they plain did not have one to shackle themselves into. If it is more due to one’s genetics and activity that determines what degree of ptosis one experience by a certain age, what reason is there to still go along with the folly? The only benefit (again, using those much loved stats) that can be attribute to a bra is for women doing regular serious athletics, where a good sports bra will help minimize the unregularly stretching of the breast which can cause the tissue to break down faster or stretch out. Regular bras doing office work or even housework has shown no value in the fight against ptosis, so what spin is there for women to keep wearing them? I have heard of enough complaints over the years of how hot, uncomfortable they were, cutting shoulder straps, just plain restricting, all because they believed they need them (the facts were not out and they were bamboozled to think they were doing something they were not). If you were doing something you thought worked and facts proved otherwise, would you keep doing it? If you thought something was giving you a lawn that was more lush and pest resistant but facts show it was just you going through the motions and your lawn was no better off than neighbors that did less or nothing, would you still do it week after week?