Social Question

Animals are just animals so why do people make such a ruckus over the treatment of some?
Even more so in a world that is just the world, animals are just parts of it. Yet in the US we frown on eating horses because it is believed they are a more noble animal (using them for glue when their time is up is OK), dogs and cats are pets and not food, (damn them Asians for eating our pet’s distant cousins ~~) monkeys are sideshow or zoo creatures, we ban ivory and don’t even think of having a real tiger-skinned rug, people might even thumb their nose at you for having a trophy head of a deer over your mantel , and a who series here in the US is dedicated to stopping whaling. Why is all the ruckus? Someone somewhere regards animals differently. Hindus worship cows and some worship monkeys, does that mean the US have to give up beef and not have monkeys on zoos? Do Asia have to stop seeing dogs and cats as food because the US see them as so adorable, even to the point of spending millions on food, jacket, booties, and other junk for them every year? Animals are just a part of this word to be utilized or often misused, but that is just the way it is. If animals have rights who determines which ones do and what they have? Is Uncle Sam going to let India determine animal rights if the burger has to die?