General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Does your local dollar store get shoplifted frequently?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) June 9th, 2016

I was buying cheap snacks (Shasta cola and chips ‘and yeah I went for a walk’) and the teller told me that the store just got shoplifted by two adults. I asked if she was going to call the cops and she said “It’s a dollar store the cops won’t do anything”. Is this normal? I guess that they can hire a security guard , but then prices would go up. What is the solution to adult shoplifting? When I worked graveyard shifts at a 24 hour grocery store I was told that the courts won’t do anything until the shoplifters were caught 7 times.

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20 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

How would we know such a thing?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@stanleybmanly By asking the casher. I did. Also being a cashier helps.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I can’t say they care that much. There is next to nothing in that place I would want anyway. Who would want to shoplift there. If you’re going to risk that hell get yourself something nice.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s an interesting question though. What is most commonly boosted in your store. Things like toothpaste, razor blades? I’ve noticed in the local Walgreens and safeway they lock up the baby formula, athlete’s foot creams and powders, some feminine hygiene products and certain boxes of huggies. You would think the diapers too bulky to get away with.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@stanleybmanly Cosmetics are boosted frequently.

ibstubro's avatar

Imagine the mentality of a person that would risk being arrested for shoplifting at the dollar store. The humiliation.
Then again, you’re pretty much assured you can’t carry enough to surpass the threshold for misdemeanor charge.
So, shoplifters in Canada have 7 lives? Or is that only at the inexpensive places?

We need more information. Americans might be migrating in mass come January, and we need to know where, how much, and how often we can shoplift with impunity.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Theft of such trivial amounts generally isn’t really regarded as being worth the time, effort and taxpayer money to prosecute.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Darth Algar I think there must be a large uptick in the frequency of shoplifting. I mean if they’re locking up Huggies and Enfamil, shoplifting is no longer the crime I thought it was.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ibstubro Only at the cheap places. I would hope that someone would call the cops at a BMW car dealership. Lol. We need cops for minor crimes

jca's avatar

I’ve seen formula locked up. When you think about it, it’s a relatively small item that is quite expensive and it’s something people may be desperate for. So…..

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Items like that are easily traded for other things of value.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Huggies and Enfamil aren’t exactly cheap items though. And they’re items that a lot of people will find themselves in desperate need of.

Edit: @jca beat me too it.

Seek's avatar

My local Dollar Tree sells Mason jars. They have the lids available by request only.

Some yuppie moms were boosting Mason jar lids from the dollar store instead of buying replacements.

I keep waiting to see that “life hack” in one of those “Save so much money with these little tricks!” Infographics.

Yellowdog's avatar

Dollar stores are usually very understaffed, yet because they are small, the management and cashier see just about everything. There is little to stop anyone from taking whatever they want. Bigger stores, like walmart and major grocery stores, are very easy to steal from especially if there are “self-check” checkouts.If you want two of something, buy one and save your receipt and go back and pick up another and show your receipt.
it is also easy to put unscanned items in your cart or carry them out with a receipt without scanning everything. If you do this and are poor, your meager check will last much longer. Many shoplifters are trying to preserve their money rather than steal something classy, so it makes more sense that they would steal meager stuff and cosmetics and whatever they need to feed the baby because those really eat at the budget of the poor.

I’m a little bit of an idealist, but necessities ought to be available to the poor somehow. In my town, the Church Health Center provides a lot of hygiene items, diapers (adults and babies), some cosmetics, baby items, health needs, etc etc. I am a capitalist but am poor and I know that check won’t stretch from one end of the month to the next. Unless help is given, even relatively honest people will justify shoplifting and petty thefts. Other people are just plain nasty and will take whatever they damn please and may even jab you if you try to confront them.

ucme's avatar

Over here we have Poundland, everything in there costs £1, they had a half price sale offer one time & the confusion among the punters was tangible

jca's avatar

@Yellowdog: People who are on financial assistance get help in the form of WIC (Women, Infants and Children) which provides vouchers for formula, juice, milk and other food items that babies, children and pregnant women need and use. Also, I believe there’s a “diaper allowance” at least in the county I work in, where people on financial assistance (meaning welfare) get extra for diapers. Also, when they are pregnant, they get furniture allowance to buy crib and stuff for baby.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The WIC program here is degrading in a particularly brutal fashion. If you’ve ever stood in a checkstand line behind someone utilizing those WIC credits, you know what I’m talking about.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I want to seriously thank whoever chose to reopen this thread. I guess that would be you @jca

jca's avatar

@stanleybmanly: If you look at the permalink for my response, it was June 10, 2016.

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