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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are a good list of reference books that I can buy on Amazon?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) June 9th, 2016

Also starter apartment stuff that everyone needs? I’m having fun ordering $0.01 books online and I want to know what else I can buy for fun?

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9 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I see the Merriam Webster Dictionary for $7.26 ($3.48 and up if you go to the used and alternate choices)

The recent “Cool Word for Today” thread had me wishing for an actual dictionary. It’s a pain in the butt trying to browse through words online. I plan to look through my store books this weekend to find my old college dictionary.

Pachy's avatar

Two books I’ve carried around with me for more than 40 years. Both in paperback. They’re indispensible.
Strunk’s Elements of Style
Roget’s Thesaurus

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I just ordered it for $10. Thanks @Pachy I ordered The Elements of Style for $9

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Pachy @Call_Me_Jay I canceled the order and got cheaper books. Thanks.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Good job shopping. It’s surprising how cheap you can get them. If I can’t find my dictionary I am going to get one of those sub-$4 copies.

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Stinley's avatar

Writing tips books have become more fun:
i before e
My Grammer and I

An Atlas of the World is useful and interesting. Expanding your horizons from the comfort of your home!

What about some beginners guides to cooking – you ask questions about cooking sometimes, don’t you?

For the apartment set up, look on ebay for secondhand stuff because you don’t want to spend a lot of money on stuff that you might end up not needing or liking. Especially the big stuff like appliances and furniture. Freecycle and Facebook will have stuff available near you too. I have found these more useful than ebay these days.

ibstubro's avatar

For the cost of shipping one book, you can buy a small library at thrift shops.

Better yet, volunteer at a charity based thrift shop and they should let you take all the reference books you care to carry home for free.

You could use the socialization and the fresh air.

Don’t they have yard/garage/tag/estate sales in Red Deer?
Get a backpack. Print out a map of the sales locally or in a region. Walk around while the birdies cheap until the backpack is full or you’ve spent $20. You’ll have the deginnings of a life. :-)

(P.S. Eat someplace new before you head home.)

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