General Question

missjena's avatar

After having a lymph node biopsy with a needle is it normal for the node to double in size?

Asked by missjena (923points) July 29th, 2008 from iPhone

I’m assuming so since a needle was injected near it..? I can’t find the answer online

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3 Answers

shilolo's avatar

The increase in size is likely due to bleeding into the node itself. This is one potential “complication” of the biopsy. I would put pressure on the node, and contact the doctor/hospital where it was done as soon as you can.

meowomon's avatar

Is there pain or inflammation around the site? Have you checked your temp? Could be just normal swelling, but probably ok if there is no severe pain, redness, purulent discharge or fever. Call the doc if you feel something is wrong. If it isn’t life threatening, you can wait until business hours.

sebrowns's avatar

regardless, the prudent thing to do is notify or schedule an appointment with your physician.

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