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filmfann's avatar

Does anyone else think 50 Shades Of Grey is tame?

Asked by filmfann (52605points) June 9th, 2016

Just watched it for the first time. I was expecting some really intense stuff, but this seemed just a little rough.
How close did the movie follow the book?
I suspect it gets more brutal in later books. Does it?

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8 Answers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. I only scanned the book and haven’t seen the movie. It seems to be what I would call soccermom-fantasy-softporn. I guess it’s for people who haven’t the imagination to go much further than vanilla sex and 50 shades represents some kind of trek into dangerouos, highly stimulating territory. But it sold like wildfire and got three movie deals right off the bat. The author hit a niche that most publishers didn’t know was there. More power to her.

What I find strange, in a way, is that I always expected that when this wall finally broke, the fantasy would be the woman as a the contolling top, with a private stable of male and female subs, in this day of third-wave feminism—not the woman as the sub. But I guess we often fantasize about the things that are opposite of our true wishes. I dunno. Like the senator or corporate CEO who pays a woman to spank him and deny him sex while he is in diapers. Jesus. If I could figure out what people really wanted, I’d be very rich. But people are the most baffling creatures on earth to me.

Pachy's avatar

Tame and lame.

MooCows's avatar

I loved the books..the movie not so much as I wasn’t wooed over the guy
they picked for Grey. He wasn’t even close to what I had pictured in my
head but everyone has their one sense of “pretty boys”. No I am not
hooked on this type of writing but I also liked the Vampire series of books
and thought that Mr. Vampire was very sexy and I wanted my own Vampire!
He was so vastly in love with her and I could feel that and that is what made
those books so great. I haven’t found another series of “50 Shades” books
I like as much and even at 58 my husband wasn’t complaining about me reading
them at all…..if you know what I mean!

ucme's avatar

I thought it was referring to Kenny Rogers’ pubes

tinyfaery's avatar

Yep. Though I only saw the movie. I refuse to waste my time on trash, pop fiction.

jca's avatar

I didn’t read the book and I didn’t see the movie. I heard the book was lame and I heard the movie couple had no chemistry on or off screen. I tell people you can read good fetish stories on websites and social networks if you are interested in it.

syz's avatar

What a horrible book. Horribly written and horribly wrong about BDSM. Horrible.

LBM's avatar

Very tame, and very not true.

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